Zen Cart is open source software that allows you to design websites e-commerce in an easy and intuitive way. Unlike what happens with other Ecommerce solutions with complicated configurations and processes, Zan Cart highlights merchants and buyer requirements, allowing almost anyone with the most basic skills to install and launch an Ecommerce website.
Key features
For starters, this is a program for create online stores, which is free and open source, available under the GPL2 license. This means that the source code of the software can be freely modified, to adapt it to the needs or the application that is required.
It should also be noted that the program easily integrates with multiple payment platforms, so you can start accepting payments immediately. Even if it is necessary to integrate a custom module, there are a large number of payment modules that are contributed by the community to select or you can even create your own.
Nor is there to worry about it web hosting, Since this program works with any web hosting service, in such a way that it can be run on servers with relatively basic requirements of Apache, MySQL and PHP.
El user can even use his own domain name, Not to mention, unlimited categories and products can be added, along with attribute management functions that allow you to build a truly impressive product catalog.
The program also allows you to add downloadable content for sale, including audio files and PDF files. Equally it is possible to add newsletters, banners, coupons, gift cards, as well as other marketing tools to manage advertising campaigns more efficiently.
Finally just say that Zen Cart has many free templates that can be used to define the layout of the online store, not to mention there is event calendar support, Facebook integration, additional widgets, and more.