Reaching users through the video format is a growing trend. In fact, after the coronavirus pandemic, videos have increased their visibility. If we add to that that Google views audiovisual content very favorably, it should be taken into account for your eCommerce. Now, you need to do a good SEO on YouTube to get good results.
If you would like to know how to do SEO on Youtube, the reason why we recommend it, and the techniques that your users will fall in love with, then don't stop reading what we have prepared for you.
Why having a YouTube channel for your eCommerce is a good idea
When you open an online store, an eCommerce, the first thing you think is that you should focus on offering a website that is as easy to navigate and attractive as possible. And you are right. But you have to know that nowadays the content that moves on the Internet, in 80% of the cases, is through video. That means that no matter how beautiful your eCommerce is, if it is not known, you will not get anything.
Therefore, the use of social networks. But, one of the ones that we pay the least attention is YouTube. And yet today it is the one that can give you the most benefits.
However. We know that an eCommerce may not have a physical store, and therefore you will not be able to record many videos of that. You may not even have the products, because you have hired another company to be in charge of shipping the products, and you have only included the catalog of these. In those cases, it becomes more difficult to provide visual content. Or not.
Why not show the use of the products you have for sale? Why not talk about issues related to your eCommerce market? They are original themes that do not focus so much on "buy, buy, buy", that add value and that give greater credibility to your eCommerce.
And this is already a reason to bet on having a YouTube channel. But, to use it and make it work, you have to know how to do a good SEO on YouTube.
Why YouTube will improve the SEO of your eCommerce
Do you think that learning to do SEO on YouTube is not going to influence anything in your eCommerce? Well the reality is quite different.
SEO sure brings you down the street of bitterness. It is something so complex that you never finish knowing what you have to do to benefit from it and improve your positioning. And if we add to that that, when it seems that you dominate it, the rules change and they drive you crazy because they don't tell you what they have changed, things get darker.
But the truth is that today audiovisual content is one of the most loved by Google and is enhancing it over other content. Thus, with the videos you will achieve greater visibility, which will translate into more visits to your eCommerce. In fact, if you have done a good SEO technique on YouTube, and it is in your eCommerce, you can get quite a few advantages over your competitors.
Among other things, with YouTube you will be able to build link building for free, That is, you can put links to your website or content and Google will see it with good eyes. You can also insert videos related to the topic you are dealing with. And if you already position yourself as an influencer, you have a lot to win.
SEO Techniques for Youtube: Make him fall in love with your eCommerce!
Now that you know more about SEO on YouTube, we don't want to leave the subject without first talking about those techniques that can help you make your eCommerce users fall in love. Of course, if you do not have an online store, it does not mean that you cannot use them, in fact, they are used for any YouTube channel.
Analyze your target audience
One of the big mistakes we make is thinking that our channel can be of interest to everyone. It's not really true. For example, imagine a toy channel. It will interest children and families with children. But a married couple that does not have children will not be attracted to toys (unless they are collectors or similar).
Therefore, it is important that define what your target audience is going to be, because that way you can focus specifically on them.
Keyword search
You need to know what are the keywords for which to rank your content. And you can do this in two different ways:
- Studying your competition and seeing what keywords they use to do the same. That way you will go up positions and you will be able to position the channel. But not to differentiate it, eye.
- Searching for keywords that are not so exploited. Yes, it will take a little longer, but there will be differentiation towards competitors, which can attract, within your target audience, other people who will further enrich your positioning.
Our recommendation? Do both. Keywords that you know work and try new ones to see if you get good results.
Optimize the title and description of each video
With those keywords that you have found, you have to build the title and description of the videos.
As for the title, the best thing is that put strong keywords in it, but creating phrases that attract attention, that solve user problems, etc. For example, imagine that you have made a video of an orchid transplant. Normally in Google you would put that in your search engine, but the title like that is not going to attract attention. On the other hand, if you put "How to do an orchid transplant that saves your plant from certain death" it is possible that you will have more audience.
On the description, you must put at least 500 characters, where you describe as best as possible what the video is about. That is where you should also include the keywords and even add a link (for example to your eCommerce).
SEO on Youtube: Tags
Tags, as with social networks, are becoming very useful because with them you help users find you. However, it is not good to over-optimize this part, because you can get the opposite effect. To do this, bet on the keywords and terms related to the content you have posted.
Be careful with the quality of the content
A badly recorded video, which is barely heard, and badly edited will not work to improve SEO on YouTube or to position your eCommerce channel. You need to give him some quality to your video, in addition to the information that really serves them for something. Otherwise, it will not interest anyone.