Many companies consider that by create backup copies of your files and software on a storage device or in a cloud hosting service, they will preserve and retain this information automatically. The truth is that this is not the case and therefore it is important to know some things about data storage that go beyond storage as such.
Know the data
Experts mention that all data are not the same and consequently, it is essential to understand the business value of data with the intention of defining the best storage strategy. To effectively manage Big Data it is convenient to ask yourself the following questions:
- How long will the data be needed in case of loss?
- How fast can the company access the information?
- How long does it take to discuss the data?
- How safe does storage need to be?
- What regulatory requirements must be met?
Don't forget unstructured data
The important thing here is to make sure that the platform chosen for data storage management allows combining both structured and unstructured data, as well as other network file systems, without all of this requiring several months or years in the process. information modeling.
Establish a data retention policy
The configuration of data retention policies is a necessity both for those who are in charge of managing the data internally, as well as for legal compliance. Keep in mind that some of the data will have to be kept for many years, while others will only be required for a few days. By creating processes, the most important data of the company can be identified and then this allows to prioritize the resources for a more adequate storage management.