Why should you use long tail keywords in your ecommerce?

long tail keywords

Long tail keywords, are all those words that are composed of four or more keywords. For example, a short keyword in the smartphone niche would be: “Android smartphones”, while a long tail keyword for that same niche could be: “Good and cheap Android smartphones”. ¿What does this mean and why is it important to use long-tail keywords in ecommerce??

How do long tail keywords benefit your ecommerce?

La reason why you should use long tail keywords in your ecommerce It has to do with not only that you can generate more content and tailor-made products, but also that your e-commerce site will rank more easily in search results, because those terms do not have as much competition.

You should also know that less than 30% of searches are related to the main keywords. The remaining volume of those searches can be classified as long-tail keyword searches. That is, these types of keywords can provide a large amount of traffic if their true potential is understood.

Search engine optimization is easier

When more specific keywords are used, it is easier to align the content from an SEO perspective. With long-tail keywords having less competition, you can more easily dominate a market by creating high-quality content that is useful to readers.

You have more chances of conversion

Si tu Ecommerce you focus on a smaller demographic, you can more easily predict their needs. Since you focus on a smaller segment, your marketing and messaging will be directed at that particular segment. And if people feel that you meet their needs and wants, you will start to see your conversions increase.

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      Data Digital Agency said

    It is always advisable to do a long-tail keyword strategy to be able to attack new niches.