One of the least desirable scenarios for digital users is that they offer duplicate content on their website. Its effects can be very detrimental to your professional interests. Especially if they depend on the income that they can generate, as you will see below.
It is called duplicate content when repeated text or information appears in one or more URLs. This is linked to the acronym for Uniform resource locator and whose literal translation is Uniform Resource Locator. This action may be due to causes exogenous to the users themselves. Although most often it is due to the fact that they copy texts from other web pages. But what they may not know is that in the end it will take its toll on their own digital businesses or personal blogs.
It will be more than enough reason for you to avoid duplicate content on your website from now on. Among other reasons, because you will start to have fewer visits as a result of a worse positioning that they will give you from the main search engines of the moment. Not in vain, although they are search engines, they know what is happening at all times with the content that emerges on the Internet in all countries. To the point that this performance can play you some other bad moment in your professional life.
Duplicate content: why is it so detrimental to your interests?
These practices in the development of content on web pages and digital businesses are really disastrous from a commercial point of view. Because it can lead to a decrease in visits and the number of visitors. But what is even more serious: weighing down the sales of products, services or items that are marketed through electronic commerce.
In search engines, such as Google, these contents are very easily detected. With a double motivation that we are going to expose you:
- So that the contents do not appear repeated in an effort to protect the interests of users.
- Faced with their problems to know what content is actually must index.
Faced with this scenario, these actions by web page generators and publishers in general are severely penalized. To the point that you can pay it very seriously if you are responsible for these unwanted actions for everyone.
Effects of content on web pages
You will notice how little by little the duplication of content can affect me. Do you want how you can verify these actions on your web pages? We are going to offer you some of the most relevant effects that will be generated from that moment.
- Loss of control over the website. And that is substance in that the search engines of the search engines ignore you due to the copy of some original content offered by other domains on the Internet.
- Less effective positioning in search engines. As a consequence of this action, there is no doubt that you will have a much less profitable position than if you had shown original and high quality content.
- The penalty for plagiarism is much more frequent than many users think. By trying to reward the efforts of professionals who provide high-quality work with very accurate information.
However, very complex situations can occur and that can lead you to have more than one mistake in this class of practices. It refers to when, for various reasons, Google considers that there are other original versions and yours on the contrary is plagiarized. This is more frequent in digital measurement and where aspects as relevant as the following that we point out are taken into account:
- The keywords that are awarded to the works or content.
- To the updates you make on the previously published texts.
- As of the date the document or work was issued.
To the point that it will reach a point where you will be incomprehensibly relegated to the final platoon in the searches. With a series of penalties that you will suffer from that moment on the website of your online business. Where, logically, you will not be responsible for these actions. But at the end of the day you will notice them as if they had been responsible for these plagiarisms.
Beware of mobile versions
If you do not want to go through one of these situations, you should bear in mind that this fact can occur accidentally or in a certain way. For example, not distinguishing between content for mobile phones and those intended for desktops. Because sometimes mobile web pages are a replica of the desktop version. To avoid this uncomfortable problem for your interests, you will have no choice but to create specific content for each of the two formats.
It will also be very useful to opt for a responsive design. This in practice means that you have to adapt to each technological device. Although both are owned by you since very pernicious effects can be generated to boost your business, virtual store or simply your personal or corporate blog. Where duplicate content on your website can come out unintentionally and worse, totally unexpected. Because at the end of the day It will indicate that you have copied or plagiarized the contents of the mobile. It is that simple and this problem can only be solved with a differentiation in both media.
Why is avoiding duplicate content so important?
This is a performance that you must prevent at all costs because you can pay very dearly from now on. Do you want to know all the negative implications that can develop on your website? Well, take paper and pencil to write them down because they will be very useful at some point in your life.
- It will hurt you to print a quality seal to your commercial brand.
- You will not be recognized as an expert in the sector. And much less are you valued as a professional before third parties and companies in general.
- You will not be able to differentiate yourself from other digital platforms and this fact penalizes your content as well as the sales of your products or services if you are engaged in electronic commerce. Few things are as harmful as not providing original content of excellent quality and design.
Anyway, you have some tricks to get out of this process. If for any circumstance you quote or mention another computer domain, it is highly recommended that you put a link that goes to that address. So that at no time the search engines think that you have plagiarized information from that web page.
While on the other hand, you always have the resource of being very meticulous with the information you provide in all content. Don't try to say the same as on other websites. But on the contrary, be a little more laborious to differentiate yourself from the competition since it is one of the keys to achieve success in the digital sector. Beyond another series of technical considerations and that will be the subject of other works in this communication medium.
Can duplicate content affect SEO?
Of course it is, and in many ways. In all damaging your interests as an editor, both vocational and professional. Within this context, you should know what penalizes in search engines:
Filter the content of the copied parts so that do not appear in search results. As a consequence of these actions, your presence will be increasingly irrelevant. With a weak positioning that will subtract users and also sales if you dedicate yourself to it.
You will never fool search engines through these practices. Do you want to know the real reason? Because provide powerful algorithms that penalize instantly to the pages that incur these unwanted actions.
It may be because you have not optimized the strategy of internal links and external links. In which case, you will come out very stopped from these performances. As much as they will be penalized and with less visibility to show any kind of products, services or articles.
Duplicate content can be picked up by other users as a sign of weakness on your website. Or what is worse, a sample of your lack of professionalism in the digital sector. To the point that it affects everything you do: sale of sports shirts, material for children or the dissemination of informative content.
You will have found that duplicate content on your website is not a good deal for your professional solutions. But on the contrary, it is a burden that can lead you to very compromising situations or even to fail in your business or virtual store. Therefore, you better avoid these scenarios since you have very little to gain and a lot to lose. Don't forget it from now on. It may be the key so that your business project does not work and that you do not have the clients or users you need to grow.