Because a large number of people use their mobile devices to access the Internet and make online purchasesResponsive design is very important for retailers. Responsive or responsive web design, is a web design technique that allows the correct visualization of the same page on different devices with different screen sizes.
If we take into account that competition in ecommerce Because capturing consumer attention is fierce, ensuring you deliver the best user experience is simply critical to any e-commerce business.
At the same time, it must also be taken into account that shopping habits are changing and increasingly moving towards mobile devices. A recent ieMarketer Research shows that 79% of smartphone owners and 86% of tablet owners use these devices to research, search and compare products.
In other words, consumers have the means to be much more spontaneous, in response to a need that they experience in the moment. The benefits of a responsive design on an ecommerce siteFor both the business and the buyers themselves, it extends beyond the best in internal processes or simple engagement metrics.
For online retailers that successfully combine the elements of responsive web designWith attractive images, intuitive navigation and a simple checkout process, conversion rates on the mobile platform often exceed 30%.
Consequently, with the proper approach to purchase-friendly content, a Ecommerce business can create and publish immersive experiences that motivate the user to make a purchase just at the moment they experience a need. And today, that is achieved through multiple mobile devices anywhere, anytime.