It is not magazines, nor television, not even billboards or radio, that lead our clients to have an image of us. Today, this role has been filled by social networks, the main ones being Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. No company can afford to be left out of this monster of the marketing what is communication on a large scale through social networks. And behind these networks, it is necessary to find people with certain characteristics consistent with the company, its clients and its values. Therefore, we present you a small and quick guide to find the person or team that will be in charge of giving a face to the company.
Emotional intelligence:
A person with this characteristic is vital to feel empathy for the client. If a problem arises, or a negative comment, instead of avoiding or erasing it, the company should be able to put itself in your place and offer you options to improve what happened.
Excellent spelling:
Spelling errors are not forgiven on social networks, much less coming from companies or famous personalities. It is always necessary that you have a team that is aware of the spelling and grammar rules, which also give professionalism to the image of your company.
Attention to trends:
Social networks evolve every day, and a company that wants to be in the minds of its customers must be on the same channel as them. Take those aspects that are recent and novel and adapt them so that they have to do with your company.
Values consistent with the company:
You can't ask a liar to create an honest ad campaign. Look for responsible, sincere and aware people, who also identify their own values with those of your company. You will find that the messages will arrive much clearer and fitter.