One of the most important aspects when creating an ecommerce or electronic commerce is knowing which customer you are going to have. Among other reasons, because a good part of the commercial strategies will depend on this important factor that you should assess from now on. It will also be very important to meditate on it so that you can maintain optimal relationships with your clients or users.
While on the other hand, you have to ask yourself the following question: Do you know who your real customer really is? And when I say you know we are referring to the focus of your profile and how you can focus strategies to retain it. One of the most relevant factors to be successful in a business or online store. Where it is very important to obtain data about the people who buy our products, articles or services. To act with greater guarantees of success.
This is an approach that you should focus on before starting a business with these characteristics. Especially if your closest goal is raise sales in a not excessively long period of time. In any case, you will find very different customer profiles that will lead you to change your actions at any time and situation. Do not forget it from now on if you want to progress in this professional activity.
What is the ecommerce customer like?
According to different studies on digital consumption there are some features that define them very clearly. These are young people, with a medium purchasing power, urban and that maintain a very close relationship with consumption in general. With the detail that they are closely linked to performing these operations from their personal computers, mobile phones or other technological devices.
Within this general context, it must be emphasized that these people have grown a lot during the last two years. As stated in the latest sector reports carried out by market studies. Where it is found that in a very few years, electronic commerce in Spain has gone from becoming something anecdotal to a powerful alternative to the traditional sale thanks to its unstoppable growth in the number of sales.
To ratify this trend, the National Markets and Competition Commission (CNMC) has calculated that the ecommerce turnover in our country has gone from 2.823 million euros to 10.116 million between the third quarter of 2013 and the same period of 2018, thus achieving a growth of 260% in five years. Very high percentages that encourage entrepreneurs to choose this sector in their professional activity.
Customer Profiles
This class of users provide a series of characteristics that are very well defined in all situations. Starting from the following variants that we are going to expose below so that you are more clear from now on how you should focus now the different commercial strategies that you have available to put into practice at this time.
First of all, you have to take a picture of your social and economic status. Where it becomes clear that they are people who are integrated in the sector between 31 and 45 years with a medium and medium high socioeconomic level. On the other hand, 58% of them contribute university studies and are residents in urban areas with more than 100.000 inhabitants. Although to this we must gather another series of characteristics that we point you out now.
These are users who are closely linked with all kinds of technological devices. In this sense, some of the latest studies indicate that close to a 45% of consumers they access digital content through mobile phones. While 17% do it through tablets.
Among the reasons why Spaniards buy products or services online, almost 90% do so because it is cheaper and for convenience. In particular, the younger segments of the population that are the most likely to develop this type of commercial operations.
Users find these recommendations very useful as they are based on products that suit their preferences. Both with regard to other consumers or through their information from emails. Although the studies carried out also point out that another of the main reasons they have is based on the recommendation. Because it is, it may be the only alternative that the consumer has at that time.
They look for the best offer
While on the other hand, it is also a regular buyer who patiently awaits the best price, the best offer and the best conditions to buy. To the point of opting for the most affordable prices or rates for your personal or family budget. From this point of view, you are not an occasional buyer, but you base your decision on the monetary element of the products, services or items you are looking for in online stores. To the point that just under 20% can be considered bargain hunters, according to industry reports.
The human factor
The more personal connotations also influence the profile that the user makes up online or on the Internet. With a series of differentiations that are worth taking into account at this time. Not surprisingly, it provides other characteristics that differentiate them from the traditional user. Among them are the following psychological variables:
- This is a person who is aware of all the news that are being generated in the consumer sector.
- He is very receptive to a good part of the commercial offers and promotions and in most cases to make your wishes effective.
- They are people who like renew your products: clothing, sports equipment, technological equipment, audio and video channels or cultural supports.
- Conclusion more influenceable to the trends that are marked in the world of fashion and that therefore materialize these expectations in consumption through online purchases.
- It is a trend in purchases that can permeate among users and that forms a very well-defined profile that is recognizable from all points of view.
On the other hand, it cannot be forgotten that these people choose to shop more or less regularly, and not sporadically or occasionally. To the point that they have fixed expenses every month for this concept.
X-ray of the online buyer profile
This class of users point to common denominators that attract attention very early and that it is convenient at this time to be detailed. So that from now on, Internet companies have a much broader source of information than up to now. As for example, with the following contributions that we expose you below.
Young people that have been developed in the use of technological devices. Not only mobiles, but also others such as tablets or next-generation peripherals.
They usually provide a purchasing power, at least half, which allows them to carry out many of these commercial operations with the primary objective of satisfying their consumer needs: buying their clothes, acquiring cultural material and enjoying all the offers for leisure or entertainment, among some of the most relevant.
This is a profile that is clearly urban and that in general they have middle or higher education and know how to access the main sources or financial platforms.
They are people who are closely linked to advertising content from where they can take their references to carry out their purchases or acquisitions.
From a business point of view with a class of people more independent. They know what they want and, above all, the most important thing, the commercial channels where they can get it right now.
Its source of communication is fundamentally based on the impact of new information technologies and from this point of view he is greatly influenced by these very special media.
And to finish, it cannot be missed its mimicry with trends that mark the markets and therefore are increasingly inclined towards online or Internet purchases.
You will have verified that it is not very difficult to identify these people and that you can even carry out market studies on them to find out their preferences in sportswear, books, computer material and in general all the products, services or articles that have to do with it. online consumption. It will provide you with more information so that you can approach them with proposals that are more tailored to their real wishes.
In this way, you will get a much more loyal customer than before. Like you will have a much more individualized file on their role in the consumer sector. In other words, it will help you improve relationships with your customers and by extension sales will increase from now on. To the point that you will come to the conclusion that the profile of your clients or users is something more important than you think.