There are many social networks. Some are better known than others. And some are born "with a star" and in a short time manage to position themselves as one of the most used. The same is what happened with Twitch. But, what is Twitch?
If you have heard a lot about it but it is still not clear to you what it is and the advantages it offers compared to other social networks, today we are going to focus on it. Go for it?
What is Twitch
The first thing you have to take into account is the concept of Twitch. That is, what is Twitch. It is a live streaming platform, that is, live videos. It is currently the largest in the world and, although when it was born it was focused on video games and gamers, the truth is that over time it has managed to win over other sectors such as music, sports, lifestyle, marketing, etc.
In fact, there are many brands and companies, even football teams that have their own Twitch channel.
The social network itself defines itself as follows:
"Twitch is where millions of people come together live every day to chat, interact and create their own entertainment together."
According to the data that we have been able to collect from its own official page, has more than 2,5 million visitors a day, with an audience of more than 31 million monthly and about 8 million streaming creators per month.
In 2021, the Twitch figures are dizzying, since it was seen more than 1,3 trillion minutes watched.
The origin of Twitch
But everything has a beginning, and in this case we have to go to 2011. On that date Twitch was born as a spinoff of As we have said before, it specialized in video games, and many were the gamers who began to migrate from YouTube to Twitch, making the community grow very quickly. So much so that it made the greats of technology begin to look at this platform that seemed to stand up to YouTube.
In 2014, Twitch was bought by Amazon. There were really two big companies behind her, Google and Amazon, but it was the latter that won the bid. That's why the Twitch service is included in the Amazon Prime subscription.
When Amazon took the reins it went up again, a lot, not only because of eSports and video games, but because the doors were opened to many other sectors.
It even has its own TwitchCon, a massive event held to meet the best streamers, play video games and participate in eSports games.
How it works
As we have told you before, Twitch is a streaming platform, that is, to watch live broadcasts. That does not imply that when it is finished it is deleted, those videos can actually be left for others to see.
During that live the person making the video interacts with the audience. For example, you might be playing a game and ask your audience which way they want you to go. In this way, the public participates in that video through the chat that all videos have enabled.
And how does it all work? There are several parts:
the interface
Where do you have as protagonist to the live videos that are being broadcast at that moment according to categories and channels; the upper bar, where you will have the news of those channels to which you have subscribed. Also here you will find Explore, where you can discover new videos and channels.
Finally there would be the panel on the left. This appears when you are registered and with your account, and in it you will see all the channels that you follow and others that are recommended to you according to your tastes.
Categories and tags
This just you are 100% interested if you are a content creator since it serves to categorize the video that you are going to make and put the labels on it (these are the ones that help you to be listed in the search results and in the recommendations).
Two types of users
You should know that both those who are subscribed to a channel and those who follow that channel can see the streamings. So what is the difference between one and the other?
Subscribers have to pay monthly for that channel in exchange for seeing it without ads, with exclusive streamings, the possibility of talking privately with the streamer and also having emoticons and emblems.
In the case of followers, they will not be able to do any of the above.
Is Twitch for an eCommerce?
Taking into account the blog we are on, you may be wondering why we are talking about Twitch if we have previously told you that it is focused on video games. And your eCommerce can be a clothing store.
Well, at first it is true that Twitch was more of a streaming platform for video games. But later he opened up to music and sports. Who says that in a few months or years we cannot have a place that also accommodates other sectors.
In addition, sometimes starting a project like this, knowing that you don't have too much competition, could boost your eCommerce even more. Continuing with the example of the clothing store, you could do live broadcasts in which you will show the news you have, either physically (showing the designs to several people) or with images. You can also give style tips, tricks to look taller, or to make the suit more professional.
All this, just for the novelty, can attract an audience that will come to your page and, with it, you can capture.
How to register
If we have convinced you, here are the steps you must follow to register on the platform. For it you have to go to the official Twitch page. Once there you must click on the “Sign up” button. You will find it at the top, on the right.
Fill in the information requested (username (which can be your store), date of birth (or business creation), password and email.
La platform will send you an email to verify that it is you who is registering. You must enter this verification number to continue with the configuration.
This consists of selecting what your interests are.
Finally, we recommend that you activate two-factor authentication. And that's it, you can now make broadcasts and start gaining followers and subscribers.
Is it clear to you what Twitch is?