The so-called thin content is a term that can influence more than you think in the commercialization of your products or services. Although not directly, but directly, as you will be able to see from now on. Refers to basically everything content that is considered to be of poor or insufficient quality. For the search engine that is responsible for carrying out this digital analysis process, such as Google.
Search engines They are characterized by indexing web pages and thus being able to measure their quality level. In this way, you can detect and separate the highest quality digital content from the non-digital content. But it goes even further in its strategies since it allows to reflect the texts that are plagiarized or copied from other websites. In other words, thin content is poor quality content and therefore no SEO (Search Engine Optimization) is attributed to it.
SEO is search engine optimization or search engine optimization and it has as main objective to give greater visibility to a website domain. With effects that are almost immediate: more visits will be received and in the case of online stores it can influence the increase in sales to accelerate as a result of this strategy in digital marketing. To the point that it can be a perfect support point for the development of any project or business on the Internet.
Thin Content: its most direct effects
The opinion that Google has about these contents on web pages is certainly not the most favorable of all. But on the contrary, it penalizes them due to their poor usability in all affections. So that in this way, a series of actions are generated on the owners of these domains and that are materialized through different strategies that affect commercial marketing.
- Your visibility is decreasing and to the point of giving them a role of very little relevance in the digital landscape, whatever their sector.
- There is a very notable decrease in the number of visits that are received on the web for their little active presence in search engines.
- As a consequence of the previous characteristic, sales are progressively reduced and the extreme point may be reached that the viability of the model is put into crisis.
- Their influence will also be less effective since very few users will take into account the level of penetration of the domain. There will be no other solution to correct this serious problem than improve the content of these sites to get ahead.
Fewer visits, customers and level of penetration in users
This is even more pronounced in domains linked to e-commerce or virtual stores. Not surprisingly, having less visibility means that the visit of customers or users is much more limited from that moment on. So that this action is later substantiated in a slower pace of activity in the sales or marketing of products or services offered to the general public.
While on the other hand, it is the users themselves who, oblivious to Google's actions, verify in situ the poor quality of the digital platforms that show this trend. Where, There is frequently a growing rejection of the messages launched by these portals. To go looking for others with similar characteristics, but that at least provide a higher quality, both in the content and in the design of the website itself.
Another aspect that must be evaluated from now on are those that refer to the failure of the model to be exported through the Internet.. If you do not offer quality content, it cannot attract a greater number of visits. This is something that you cannot doubt in marketing operations. To the point that you yourself will see how you are losing search engine rankings. Without the need for anyone to notify or notify.
Different types of thin content
However, these figures are not monolithic. But on the contrary, it is exposed to several groups that you should easily identify. Do you want to know which are the most relevant and which are determined by Google?
- Duplicate contents: they are the most penalized by Google and can mean the end of your business or digital store.
- Automatic content: it is very common to do it since it is based on using words with no compression or low quality that cause the search engine to detect it very quickly.
- Another of the groups that are established is that of the web pages that are created or designed to carve out a niche in your digital positioning. In any case, you will not be able to fool the seeker since in a very short space of time he will identify this artificial situation. And of course it will also be penalized.
You already have on the table some of the models considered as thin content and that you should avoid at all costs if you do not want to see your online professional project jeopardized. Beyond another series of technical considerations that will be the subject of a different treatment from an informational point of view.
They are scenarios that will always harm your business and that very rarely materialize as a consequence of factors unrelated to your own actions. If there are duplicate contents, for example, the only person responsible will be yourself as the project manager. Or, failing that, the person who is in charge of making and maintaining the content. You cannot blame third parties, much less the approach to which it is directed. There will be no other solution, therefore, than to change strategy in the line of action of the digital domain.
Practical example of thin content
It will be very relevant that you know how Google and other searches recognize this undervalued content. For example, if in our blog there are very few words and it is full of phrases without any meaning, do not doubt in any way that it will be one of the samples that Google will recognize as thin content.
But this process goes even further since it will be the users or clients themselves who verify that these contents do not contribute anything and therefore their usefulness is minimal or null. It will have practically the same effect as that generated by the search engines themselves. You will see how in a few days the follow-up will be reduced. Until reaching a limit situation where the level of penetration of the content will be non-existent. You will not even need to be penalized by the actions of Google or other automatic search engines. Rather, on the contrary, you will be punished by your own followers who will ultimately cease to be.
Consequences on online business lines
Now we have to know what the repercussions are on virtual stores. Well, there is a risk more than a seer of suffering a high bounce rate as a consequence of not offering attractive and quality content to the recipients. This means in practice that user searches are often redirected to other digital platforms. With the loss that can produce these unwanted effects.
If you look very carefully, when you search for a keyword in Google or another search engine, the result is a list of domains that are very well positioned. Why? Well simply because they are not considered as thin content. That is, they are high-quality content that is characterized by the following contributions that we expose you below:
- Texts, information or any other kind of content have a common denominator in all of them. It is none other than its great quality and they generally coincide with the best stores and online media.
- The language that is used is really very understandable to everyone and of course with some very well crafted phrases that are quickly accepted by the search engine in question.
- Is contents that are original and there has never been any impersonation or duplication in them. They are a reference for a segment of customers and users who want to search for that kind of information.
- Therefore, there are no rebounds to other web pages in your own sector and how much damage it can do to your commercial or professional interests. In addition, you will be rewarded with an excellent positioning. In most cases from SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
What is thin content for?
About time so that you are in time to rectify your digital marketing strategy. Poor content can be converted into a much more powerful and interesting factor. But for this you must have the motivation to carry it out. At this time, the best way to achieve this much desired objective is to give your content a more transparent format that really interests users. As you have seen, it will not take you excessive effort to arrive at these approaches.