What is the financing to start an ecommerce?

Of course, at the moment one of the emerging businesses is represented by ecommerce. But even though it is cheaper to carry it out in practice, it is certainly not without costs. Not much less. If not, on the contrary, you have to collect sufficient liquidity for material, company development and access to suppliers. And that the case will be aggravated if there are workers in our company.

As has been seen, there are a series of expenses that must be faced inescapably. Less than in physical companies, but that must be formalized in a very short space of time. The best way to solve this issue is to have enough liquidity to not depend on other solutions that in the long run can be more expensive. Both for the disbursement carried out and for the interest rates generated by this kind of credit operations.

Because it is true that in the end the only resource that we will have is to go to a line of credit that financial and credit institutions offer at the moment. But how much will it cost us to sign an operation of these characteristics? We are going to try to explain how the credits that are enabled in the market and that are intended to launch an ecommerce or electronic commerce.

Financing for ecommerce

These sources of financing for individuals are characterized above all because it is not very frequent to find it in the current offer. In any of the cases, you are presented with several alternatives to make this demand effective for the development of a digital business, whatever its nature and the products, services or items that you offer to customers or users.

Within this general context, it should be noted that you have several sources of funding. Not a single one as you may initially believe. From traditional credit lines to specific models for this kind of digital business. With conditions that vary significantly from one to the other formats. Both with regard to the interest rates applied by these financial products as well as the repayment terms and their commissions or expenses in management or maintenance.

In any case, we are going to offer you from now on which are the sources of financing that you can go to to satisfy this professional need that you have. You will see that some are somewhat conventional, but others will attract your attention due to their originality and innovation in their broadcast. Although very careful in your claim since the risks and interests that are assumed when resorting to them are usually quite abusive.

ICO credits

They are of course the most beneficial for your personal interests among other reasons because they are the ones that will cost you the least money in their return. Within the financing lines offered by the Official Credit Institute, there is one dedicated exclusively to self-employed workers to companies that are starting their business career, in this case those derived from the digital sector.

The biggest drawback to subscribing to these models in financing is that it demands practically the same requirements as the traditional bank financing. That is to say, you will not obtain additional benefits in its concession. Although in the end you will find a more competitive interest rate for you, a few tenths of a percentage lower than through traditional bank loans.

Financing through banks

It is perhaps the simplest method of all, but it may cost more than the other formats in private financing. It has against it, the fact that they will ask for more requirements: presentation of the project, professional accounts and even in some cases a personal guarantee. Just as you can demand a real estate guarantee for your electronic commerce or other personal property.

On the other hand, the interest rate that they can apply on this financial product can reach levels up to 9%. To this we must have the commissions and expenses in the management and maintenance that can increase its final cost by up to an additional 3%. Among these rates, the early cancellation, subrogation or other operations within the credit line stand out.

Another aspect that you should consider is the term of permanence of this class of credits that moves in a range that goes from only twelve months to approximately 10 years. Where you will have a system of constant installments every month in the case of the fixed-term interest rate and with a percentage of the amount not amortized in the variable rate.

It is a more interesting option if you know how to negotiate it with your credit institution and get some better conditions in your hiring. In addition, it is a strategy that is available to all small and medium-sized entrepreneurs in the digital sector. With offers that are very suggestive although they are punctual in their broadcast.

Another alternative is the one presented by non-bank financial entities and that are integrated into the financing platforms for your eCommerce. They are models more adjusted to your needs although in return they generate higher interests from the beginning.

One of their contributions is that they do not carry any cost. Only a few pieces of information are needed to learn more about your business To the point that at some point your return may represent more than one problem.

State and regional subsidies

Its advantage comes from the fact that it is granted through two channels: at the state and regional level. Annually are awarded mostly non-refundable grants, with the condition of meeting a series of requirements that vary depending on the type of aid that you are going to demand from now on. While on the other hand, and as the main novelty, there are also subsidies for women entrepreneurs and for those under 35 years of age in some autonomous communities, regardless of the activity that is started.

In all cases, the best decision is to inform yourself because of the financing formats, type of aid or subsidy, you can take advantage of at this time to start a business or electronic store. Especially to know if it fits within your personal budgets or professionals. In any case, it can give you a break before requesting a line of credit at your usual bank.

This is the most satisfactory model for your personal and professional interests as long as you can turn to it and your application is approved. With contracting conditions that are always softer than in the other sources of financing for electronic commerce. Where you will save money at the time of finalizing the operation, both in interest and in commissions and expenses in management and maintenance.


This  new way of financing It has become the most innovative format of all and it has definitely come to stay on the national scene. These are basically private investors who, through a online platform they finance projects of all kinds, and that in this case is reserved for digital projects or businesses. Whatever its nature and its management model. Because at the end of the day what it is about is that you have less expenses to finance this project from now on.

Another aspect that you should assess when referring to the so-called crowdlending is that it allows you to finance with less expenses from the beginning. Due to the fact that it is a very specific financing for companies or projects and that it is characterized above all by being a different model from all the rest. Where it allows you to finance by the financial community without resorting to the services of a bank or other traditional financial institution. And where clearly the risks and interests that are assumed when resorting to this very original financial product tend to be less abusive.

Its mechanics are based mainly on the fact that investors decide whether to invest or not in your project. That is why it is usually more accessible for companies that are not fully established in the sector, but that in return offer greater guarantees in its amortization. But where the amount comes from private investors and never from any kind of official or conventional institutions.

On the other hand, it should also be emphasized that there may be other more alternative financing plans that are based on different strategies. As for example, other financing methods that offer the real possibility of accessing capital by companies. unregistered credit companies that offer private equity. But in most cases under abusive interest rates. To the point that they can exceed 20% levels. That is, they are the classic lenders whose interests border on usury in consideration of the liquidity that it can provide you at a given time. Which is its main objective after all.

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