What is paid media, function, advantages and disadvantages

What is paid media

The Internet, and everything related to business, is booming. Every time you have to have a greater presence on the network, and you also have to invest to position yourself. Foreign terms sneak into daily slang, and one of them is the one that now attracts the most attention. Because, If we ask you what paid media is, could you explain to us what it refers to?

If you have had contact with someone who has presented themselves as paid media, or they have talked to you about it but you don't quite understand it, below we are going to give you all the keys so that you can understand it and see if, for your eCommerce, it is what is right. you search or not.

What is paid media

The first thing you should know is that There is a term in Spanish for paid media, and this one is much clearer. Paid media is “means of payment”. And it refers to any media where, to publish advertisements, you have to pay.

A clear example? SEM campaigns in Google Ads. In these you pay to advertise on Google and have more visibility. Another option may be campaigns carried out on social networks.

However, Paid media does not refer only to the Internet. In reality, we can also find them in traditional media. For example, in newspapers, radio, television, outdoor publication (banners), etc. Everything that involves paying to advertise would fall within that paid media or paid media.

What is the function of paid media

Online service

After the above I'm sure you know well what we mean and what a paid media does. But in case it is not clear to you, the main function of a professional dedicated to this is to control all media (online and offline), unless specialized in only some, to advertise to clients and obtain maximum benefits around to the budget they spend.

That is, it is not only dedicated to placing advertisements in the main media, but also analyzes the results and data that come out of these campaigns to see if they are correct, if it works well or, if not, if Some changes would have to be made to get better ones.

Examples of paid media campaigns

facebook ads

When carrying out paid media work, you should know that there are several types of campaigns depending on where you are going to advertise. To give you an idea, the main campaigns are the following:

  • Facebook Ads. To publish products or services on the social network. In reality, you pay for the views you have as well as the clicks on your links. However, it can also help you increase your followers online.
  • Instagram Ads. Related to the previous one, it is another way to give yourself visibility in exchange for paying for it and for the clicks that customers give.
  • Google Ads. It is the tool that many businesses rely on since it allows them to position a brand or company to appear in the first results of a search.
  • LinkedIn Ads. As you know, this network is focused on companies and B2B businesses. Therefore, to advertise services or products it can be very good (more services than products).
  • Twitter Ads. Although it is one of those that has started later, it can help you position a business.
  • YouTube Ads. Ideal for video marketing campaigns. Yes, those ads that appear at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the videos you want to watch.
  • TikTok for Business. For young audiences, and taking into account that it is the social network that is now booming for this profile. If your service or product is focused on them, that is where there is a greater chance of reaching them.

In addition, we would also have other types of offline campaigns, such as advertising in newspapers and magazines, advertisements on television and radio, banners or canvases in cities...

Advantages of paid media

Now that you have a better idea of ​​paid media and everything it encompasses, the next thing to take into account are the advantages. Because there is no doubt that, if done well, you can win a lot.

One of the main advantages it offers is visibility. By paying to display the ad, more people can learn about the page or the product or service you promote, thus creating greater exposure.

Greater benefits and faster positioning are also achieved than if everything were done organically.

Disadvantages of paid media

Just as you have benefits from using these media, you are also going to encounter problems. The first of them is having to always be updated with new trends, news, etc.. And this sector is one of those that changes the most and if you want to achieve a good result it is necessary to be very aware of it to maximize it.

It also represents an economic investment that can be strong. That is, by having to pay to advertise, you have to invest money that, sometimes, can be quite high.

Another point to keep in mind is that an analysis and record of these means and the results obtained must be kept in mind. Because, if they don't work, you have to change them as soon as possible so that they do, and sometimes it is necessary to have a person to control the issue (and know what they are doing).

Is paid media suitable for eCommerce?

achievement of memberships and subscriptions

Focusing on eCommerce, the main topic of this blog, when you set up an online store you may wonder, especially when you have been with the website for some time., if it is advisable to pay for more people to visit you.

This decision is not easy because you know that you are going to need an investment that, sometimes, is not as large as would be needed, and that suffocates many entrepreneurs.

But it can be a solution to publicize a new business and start attracting customers. It is true that you only get results if you do it well, and with the competition that exists it is not always possible to maximize the budget you have.. But it is one more way to make the business visible that, if it can be used, again using it well, can work.

Now that you know what paid media is and what it entails, in the case of your eCommerce it can help you make yourself known and reach more customers. But at the cost of an investment that, sometimes, may not be large enough to obtain results. Have you ever tried advertising? How did everything turn out?

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