the word marketing is a term that everyone knows. But if we asked you directly what marketing is, would you know how to answer?
Next we will give you a definition of marketing, you will know the different types that exist, you will know what the objective is and we will provide you with some examples that will help you understand how far it can go.
What is marketing
According to the definition given by the RAE, «Marketing is the set of strategies used to commercialize a product and to stimulate its demand..
Actually, today that definition of marketing falls quite short as it encompasses much more. It is present in everyday life, directly or indirectly. And, as such, its concept is much broader.
The marketing can be defined as that set of activities that seek to satisfy a consumer through a product or service. We are also talking about a strategy to plan, set prices, promote and distribute products and/or services with the needs of a client at the same time that a profit is obtained from the companies that sell them.
For all the above we could say that marketing is characterized by the following:
- There is a minimum of two parts and an exchange relationship is established between them.
- There is an added value. That is, one of these parties seeks to satisfy a need while the other seeks to fulfill that need in order to receive a benefit in return.
- A transfer process takes place. This is understood by the fact that the company puts an adjusted price on its product so that it can sell it while the client adapts to the prices of those products or services.
- There is a two-way channel. In other words, the customer is the center of marketing and can express ideas and opinions at the same time that they are answered.
Marketing Objective
Once you know what marketing is, the next step is to know what its objective is. In this sense there is no specific objective but it depends on what you want to achieve. Some objectives that marketing can have are: publicize the personal brand, increase market share, attract new customers, increase sales, build customer loyalty...
If you pay attention, all the objectives go in the same direction, which is to create and capture value. And for this the personal brand is very important.
Types of marketing
Taking into account that we have talked about marketing having different objectives, this leads us to distinguish different types of marketing. The most relevant are the following:
- Strategic marketing. Focused on establishing a long-term plan to increase profits and minimize the resources of a company.
- marketing mix. It is also known as the 4P marketing, product, price, promotion and distribution.
- Operational marketing. We could say that it is the same as strategic marketing, only in the short or medium term.
- Relational. It seeks to establish a relationship with customers in such a way that it empathizes with them and can be better understood by establishing strategies designed for them.
- Digital marketing. It refers to all the actions that are carried out through the Internet.
- of influencers. It is based on establishing a strategy to promote and build a personal brand through social networks and using the so-called influencers, that is, people who already move massive audiences.
There are not only these types but there are many more. However, they are less well known or used.
marketing tools
To carry out the marketing of a brand, person, company... it is necessary to have a series of tools that will help us achieve the objectives.
Within this, there are several options such as:
- Plan or strategy. That is, follow guidelines based on previous research to establish the best guide to achieve the objectives set.
- Email marketing. Where a specific tool is committed, e-mail, to achieve a greater relationship with customers and/or audience in general.
- Mobilemarketing. Not yet fully exploited but you have as examples the many ads that appear in mobile applications or games.
- social-marketing. Based on establishing a strategy related to social networks. In this case, the objectives may be to publicize the personal brand, attract qualified traffic, establish a relationship with the audience...
marketing examples
As we want you to see some real examples of how marketing is implemented in companies, here are some of the best.
When this social network started, the objective they had clearly was that they wanted to capture video game players, gamers. For it, they saw what the competition was offering and wanted to improve those conditions if people joined them. And that meant that, by focusing on a sector and within it on a very specific audience, they were successful, so much so that little by little other more varied audiences joined them practically naturally.
GoPro is the sports camera brand, and one of its premises is to allow users to record their own videos and share them with the community. What good is that? They build customer loyalty, create a platform that encompasses people from all over the world and who share common interests.
And best of all, it is they themselves, their customers, who attest to the quality of their products.
isra bravo
In this case we wanted to give an example of personal branding and marketing. And we couldn't think of anyone better. With just one tool, email, he has managed to stand out in his business, copywriting, and today he is considered the best copywriter Hispanic.
He has not invested in advertising, he does not have social networks (at least public) and the only thing he does is have a website where they can subscribe so that every day they receive an email in which he tries to sell you something.
Your strategy? Relational marketing (relationship with your audience) and direct marketing, focused on selling a product to those who need it.
As you can see, knowing what is not difficult, but being such a complex and dynamic subject, it is usual that there are many ways to carry it out, including some that we are still unable to think can be implemented. Do you have doubts? Ask us!