What is Google Pay?

With all certainty, Google Pay is a platform that almost all users know, but very few know its true application and especially the electronic commerce sector. In this sense, Google Pay, formerly known as Pay with Google and Android Pay, is a technological platform developed by Google for use in payment systems from mobile devices, offering users the ability to carry out these monetary movements from any technological device, such as android, tablets or smartwatches.

This platform is characterized above all because it unifies all the payment methods that you can use with Google. Its mechanics are based on the fact that you only have to add your card information once and, from that moment on, you can use the application for the following operations:

Buy in stores with your phone.

Buy items on apps and websites.

Fill in forms automatically in Chrome.

Buy Google products.

Send money to friends and family, although this feature is only available in the US and UK.

In any case, to have this service it is essential download this application technology from a reliable and secure domain. From now on, be open to all the benefits offered from Google Pay. And that can mean a change in the habits in the purchases that you make from an online store. To the point of discovering what this application consists of and how this Google application works, which allows making payments between individuals and online businesses.

Google Pay: how does it work?

One of your first tasks will be to verify how you can apply this payment system in your daily activities. From this general approach, it should be noted that this payment platform is characterized by the following contributions that it can provide to a business or digital store.

  • It is a mobile payment service. From where users or customers can formalize their purchases or digital operations.
  • Allows add another kind of cards, such as loyalty, means of transport for extensive benefits of this service.
  • Its mechanics are fundamentally based on the contactless technology through the NFC chip of technological devices. That is to say, with great security to carry out any kind of operations with this special means of payment.

If you are a Google Pay user, you have a virtual account number, and this accreditation is a kind of identifier of the user's real bank account number.

When developing payments for online purchases, one of the advantages that you will have from now on is that you will be able to keep private information safe at all times and in any situation.

On your Android mobile or tablet with the Google Pay app

If you have an Android mobile with NFC, and you want to start using Google Pay as a mobile payment service in virtual stores or online, in addition to storing your loyalty cards and other documentation compatible with the app, you just have to follow a few simple steps:

  1. Download the Google Pay application, for free, through the Google Play Store. In a safe way and without being invaded by viruses or other types of malware.
  2. On the main page of the app, click on the "Payment" tab located in the lower toolbar.
  3. Click on the blue "Payment method" button.
  4. Point the mobile camera at the credit or debit card to enter the data, or add it manually.

You will now be fully available to operate with this technological platform linked to payments in electronic stores. They are accepted in a good part of the domains of these companies and the best of all is that you will not have to pay a single euro. Not even make expenses in its management or maintenance. It may be that at the end of the day it is a very profitable operation for your interests as a consumer of shops or online stores.

How to use Google Pay?

The adoption of Google Pay by banks is one of the most determining factors in the configuration of the system at this time. Not in a radical way, but little by little and even to implement it in a generalized way among Spanish users. Today there are a good number of credit institutions that have decided to accept the use of Google Pay with their cards and services.

As we have already mentioned, Google Pay works with NFC technology. If you do not have it, you will not be able to use this system to make payments and charges on account through mobile in shops and online establishments. If you have Android 4.4 or higher operating system, you don't have to worry about this.

The NFC is easier to get, but the compatible bank is a more difficult problem to solve. Today, many Spanish banks do not support this technology. But anyway, other credit institutions do accept these payments with Google Pay and allow you to carry out this kind of operations or transactions.

The next step will be to add the payment method, whatever it was. In this sense, your strategy will be based on the need to add a credit card or link Google Pay with your PayPal account. Any of these processes can satisfy this demand from now on. Anyway, it is no less true that you can do it simply by adding a photo to your card and scanning the data on it without having to introduce them artificially.

What does the Google Pay application incorporate?

Google Pay shows all your payment options in its app (the cards you have configured, your PayPal account ...). Although from now on you must bear in mind that not all credit institutions still work with this special application.

In any case, at the moment Google Pay also shows the merchants that offer this type of payment. But above all, it provides you with a series of benefits that we expose you below:

  • You can register all your loyalty cards and gift cards.
  • Google Pay shows you a history of your last purchases.
  • When making a payment, Google Pay does not share the actual card details at the time of payment.

In this way, you will have more services than up to now and this is one of the main reasons for you to hire this application for technological devices (tablet, mobile or other devices with similar characteristics. completely free and they are any kind of commissions or other expenses in its management or maintenance. Being able to stop the service at any time and depending on the needs of the users themselves.

In any case, it is a very effective weapon available to all users in their relationships with the online shopping sector due to the infinite advantages it can offer at any given time. And from the point of view of those responsible for a business or online store, it is also a valid instrument to boost the sales of their products, services or articles.

To the point that they can incorporate it along with the rest: credit or debit cards, bank transfers, electronic payments, etc. So that in this way, all its clients have more alternatives to face the payments derived from their acquisitions through the Internet. When buying a mobile phone, book, audiovisual material, sportswear or any last minute accessory.

What does Google Pay really do?

This special payment system that we are talking about generates a series of benefits that it is convenient to take into account to know whether or not it is convenient to download the application. As for example, in the following actions that we expose below:

  • It opens us up to new forms of payment that can solve this problem at some point in our lives. As in the absence of some of the more traditional or conventional means of payment.
  • It is a charging system that is characterized in particular by its high security and where at no time should we fear for the process of this operation. Even with greater guarantees than when paying through credit or debit cards.
  • Payments can be made for online purchases of unlimited way since there are no restrictions of any kind regarding this aspect. Even with the real possibility of combining it with the most common payment systems up to now.
  • Your hiring does not require registration nor do you pay maintenance fees since it is based on its much simpler operating system. You will see how little by little it satisfies your needs in the habits of shopping in stores. Not surprisingly, your results will be positively surprising.
  • And finally, it is one of the latest trends that are being developed in commercial relationships, especially in online formats.

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