One of the topics that most interest small and medium-sized entrepreneurs who are dedicated to digital activities is the one referring to the means of payment. Among other reasons, because they are the channels in which they carry out their monetary operations. Among them, the payment to users, the charges of the suppliers or any other exchange movement.
Within this general context, there is a means of payment that is truly innovative and that you may not be aware of its existence. It is about Google Pay and you will be interested in what this mechanism consists of and how it works. Well, Google Pay is a platform developed by Google for use in payment systems from mobile devices. So that in this way, users have the ability to make their payments from different formats. Through technological devices like Android, tablets or smartwatches.
These trading channels offer you greater comfort in the first place to carry out this kind of monetary operations. From your mobile phone and from anywhere, at home or when you are on vacation or in another destination. With the added value that you will not have to go to a traditional or more conventional financial institution, such as banks. With greater immediacy in the movements carried out by users.
Google Pay: requirements to operate
This digital payment platform has some identity signs that you should identify at this moment. The main one of all of them is that to use the service, it is essential to have a phone with NFC technology and a card issued by a compatible bank. Not all Spanish banking entities have this contribution, if or on the contrary they are the most linked to new technologies, such as Openbank and BBVA. That is, from this approach you will have more problems than in other alternative means of payment.
The next step will be to carry it out on your technological device, whatever it is. In this sense, to configure and have the Google Play system, there is no other solution than to download the corresponding application from the Google Play Store. Once this task is done, you must take the physical card and show it to the camera you have on your mobile phone. As a consequence of this action, the data will be scanned and the data will be read in real time: card number, expiration date, etc.
How can this payment method be used?
Of course, the use of Google Play is not unlimited and without restrictions. If not, on the contrary, it has its own rules. From this general approach, it is necessary to emphasize that this payment system of the Google brand can be used in a large part of the commercial establishments established in our country. The only requirement is that these businesses have a sales terminal compatible with NFC technology. To carry out any kind of commercial operations through this payment tool.
While on the other hand, this is a subscription method that can undoubtedly be carried out in applications and web pages. In a trend that can be classified as definitive for electronic businesses around the world and that under this strategy payments for purchases of the products purchased can be made. In this case, derived from our online business,
While on the other hand, we must also emphasize that this special means of payment is characterized especially because it allows the purchasing process to be significantly streamlined. Also providing a series of identity signs as we expose them below:
- We can adapt to any kind of scenario and situations.
- It is a process that offers us great security in operations by having all the measures in place to prevent it.
- You can help us in our electronic commerce so that the sales of the products or services are boosted little by little due to the ease of this means of payment.
- It is a bit more complex to use, but over time we will be able to adjust to its specifications in its use.
- It is a trend that is settling in the digital consumer sector, as reflected in some important surveys and reports in the market.
Is this payment method really safe?
Without being completely sure, it can be said very clearly that this is a means of payment in online operations that is safe and reliable. To the point that it can be asserted at this time that a large percentage comes to offer greater guarantees than the physical cards themselves. Not in vain, for verify the transaction, the phone uses the owner's fingerprint. Which is, after all, a more secure method than the traditional numerical code used on physical cards.
From this point of view, you must be calm and not be afraid of any particular incident that may develop in the field of security. If not, on the contrary, it can help you strengthen the prevention guidelines in the face of what may happen to you from these precise moments. That is, you should not fear for this aspect in your normal operations.
While on the other hand, you should also take into account that as an additional measure do not forget that from Google Pay a series of virtual card numbers is generated. But what does this really mean? Well, something as simple as that commercial transactions they are not formalized with the real number of this plastic. If not, on the contrary, it is fictitious or what is the same does not exist in physical space.
This action that we have mentioned in this means of payment is going to produce a series of very positive effects that you should know from now on. And among which the following stand out that we are going to expose you below:
- The risk of fraud is significantly reduced with its application and you should not fear incidents that may be generated through this strategy in online payment.
- User privacy is preserved up to limits that are not contemplated in the most conventional or traditional means of payment. With which, your security will be reinforced from any kind of commercial strategy.
- On the other hand, you cannot forget that it will produce effects that translate into greater confidence when making any of the purchases that you are going to make in the stores that are located on the network. In this sense, we cannot forget that in our country, a good part of the POS issued shops have a high security system inside, so the acceptance of Google Pay is very high.
More profits in the payment service
Anyway, Google Pay is something more than what we have been talking about so far. Because in fact, over the years the services and benefits of this innovative system have been expanded. As for example, those enabled for cards linked to tourist or leisure services and that they can represent more than one solution to the problems that can be generated from these precise moments. With actions as simple as the following.
- Add boarding passes on air flights.
- Add cards linked to the issuance of tickets to social events.
- Add cards tied to outdoor entertainment and entertainment companies.
- Add cards linked to other sectors linked to different forms of leisure and entertainment.
More things you can find in this product
One of the main "hooks" for their contracting is that they do not contemplate any cost, or it is minimal, for the issuance and maintenance fee, although for this some entities require to be a client of the entity that issued it. Holders of this means of payment, in some cases, can access certain lines of financing, both for the costs of their registration and for entrepreneurs who wish to start their first company.
In this sense, they are very similar to what may be the point cards of airlines or frequent travelers, they also provide their users credits in the form of points every time they use it. Once enough points have been accumulated, young users can exchange them for trips on the airlines where they have contracted the card. But it should be noted that not all travel programs are the same, so it is advisable to carefully read the terms and conditions of the card contracted to find out how many points are obtained for what is spent and under what conditions.
A key consideration is how many points it takes to get a totally free ticket. You also have to take into account the time period in which the points expire. In either case, these cards are indicated for teenagers who travel frequently or want to plan their vacations.