Surely, if you have searched for a plant, or a somewhat more traditional product, Etsy has come up among the search results. But what is Etsy?
If you've seen it several times but don't know what it is, or how it works, or if it's reliable, today we want to talk to you about this platform because, like eCommerce, it can be interesting to have an extra channel there to get customers. Go for it?
What is Etsy
If we go to the official Etsy page and look for what Etsy is, the answer is practically automatic:
etsy connects people looking for exclusive items with independent sellers around the world. When you shop on, you can choose from millions of handmade, vintage, and craft items created and curated by millions of independent sellers."
In other words, we could say that It is a platform for buying and selling items from all over the world where you can find handmade products, crafts, plants and endless more of other types.
It is full of many articles, some better known than others. Sometimes their prices are much cheaper than other stores, and others are more expensive (especially for shipping costs).
The origin of Etsy is in 2005, when it was founded. The company's headquarters are located in the DUMBO area of Brooklyn, New York., but the truth is that it has grown so much that it now has offices in other cities and countries such as: Chicago, San Francisco, Toronto, Dublin, Paris, New Delhi or London.
It is possible that when reading all this you have thought of Ebay. And the truth is that you are not misguided, it is like an Ebay all over the world only that the operation is different as well as the type of products that you are going to be able to find.
How Etsy works
It is common to enter Etsy and be left with your mouth open because you do not know what the page is for or why in the results it gives you a price and then it is another. It's totally normal. But the focus is clear: It is a “flea market” website where you can find products that are not normal to see in supermarkets. For example, handmade and natural rosemary soap? A keychain with some flowers inside it? A personalized doll to your liking?
These products, and many others, are the ones you have the most opportunities to find on Etsy.
But how does it work? The process is simple.
First, you perform a search in your browser with what you are looking for. It will give you certain results that you can highlight, from expensive to cheap or vice versa, etc. All of them, or at least almost all of them, must have a photo that will be the one they will show you in the results, but also when entering the article.
Note that each item you get is from a different seller, hence it can have many products and with such disparate prices between them (although the products to be sold are the same).
Once you enter, the first thing that puts you on the right is the price. But be careful, because it is not the definitive total, but, in most things, it is what the product costs without shipping costs. These are lower down and can be quite high or get lucky and be free.
If the item interests you, you just have to add it to the basket and once you have finished reviewing, buy it.
Here you can create your account (We recommend it because that way they will send you notices if the product has been shipped, or you can even talk to the seller to ask questions or comments).
Payment allows you many options (for those reluctant to not put the credit card) and also you have a lot of opinions from customers who have bought before you. Now, you have to be careful with these because many times the opinions (which are listed below the photo) are not exactly of the product that has interested us, but Etsy collects the opinions of all the clients who have bought in that store or seller and the list (advises what the product is but it can give you a mistake).
How to sell on Etsy
How eCommerce You may be very interested in being here, especially if you sell products that are popular in this store. Also It is one more way to publicize your business. and to reach other potential customers. Not only from Spain, but from all over the world.
But we assume that you are thinking that selling on this platform will not be easy or profitable. and that's where We are going to comment on the conditions that they offer you..
The first thing you have to know is that on Etsy you can sell handmade items, vintage items, craft supplies, plants...
If you have these items then there will be no problem. Putting your first item on sale costs you 20 cents. Y you will only pay the transaction fee, payment processing and offsite advertising when you sell it.
Now there is more:
- You have a 6,5% transaction fee.
- 4% + €0,30 payment processing fee.
- And a 15% offline advertising fee. But you only pay for this when you make a sale through the ads that are placed on Google or Facebook.
In this page You can see all the rates that will apply to you.
Why as an eCommerce I am interested in selling on Etsy
Now that you know what Etsy is, and that it can be in line with your business, why sell there and not focus everything on your website? It's akin to the saying "don't put all your eggs in one basket." In other words, if you only offer one form of sale, there are many people you are not going to reach (because they don't trust buying, because they don't know your store, because you don't give them payment facilities...).
On the other hand, on Etsy, as can happen with Amazon, Ebay... they do trust more and also They are independent sales channels where they allow you to reach a greater number of people and at the same time advertise your website.. In fact, what many do is raise the price a little on these platforms (so as not to charge them with commissions) and keep the price low on their websites.
What is achieved? Well, maybe they make a first purchase on Etsy. But the next, knowing your website and that you have fulfilled, they can ask you directly.
Now you know what Etsy is, how it works, and why you should use it. Have you ever considered it?