What is e-commerce

What is e-commerce

¿What is e-commerce? Any company can start an online business, however to be successful in ecommerce, it is best to find a product in a niche where consumers experience difficulties finding them in shopping centers or department stores. Nor should it be forgotten that e-commerce requires a marketing strategy that helps drive targeted traffic to the company's site and attract customers through it.

In any case, e-commerce can be a rewarding adventure, but you cannot make money overnight. It takes a lot of research, implementing marketing strategies, attracting the right target audience, and building trust among buyers. Next we will explain better what e-Commerce is and what you need for your online trading strategy to be correct.

What is e-commerce?

online e-commerce

E-commerce or electronic commerce, is a term that is used to define any business or commercial transaction, which involves the transfer of information over the Internet. Consequently, it encompasses a wide range of different types of businesses ranging from consumer sites, auction sites or music, to commercial exchanges of goods and services between corporations.

Types of e-commerce

Now that you know what e-commerce is, let's see the types of e-commerce that exist:

Ecommerce of goods and services

Electronic commerce enables exchange of goods and services between consumers electronically, without any kind of time or distance barrier. Its success has been such that it has expanded rapidly in just a few years and is expected to maintain this pace even further. In the not so distant future, the borders between traditional commerce and e-commerce will become increasingly blurred as more and more companies carry out their operations through the Internet.

B2B or Business to Business

In this sense, the term Business to Business or B2B, refers to electronic commerce that takes place between companies, rather than a company and a consumer. These types of businesses often involve hundreds of thousands of other companies, whether they are customers or suppliers. Carrying out such transactions online, offer great competitive benefits over conventional methods.

Therefore, when properly implemented, e-commerce turns out to be much faster, cheaper, as well as more convenient thanue all methods of commercialization of traditional goods and services. Electronic commerce has also led to the development of electronic platforms where suppliers and potential customers converge to carry out a trade that brings benefits for both parties.

For companies that want to have a presence on the Internet, creating a successful online store can be difficult, if the basic principles of e-commerce are not well understood. Both research and understanding of the guidelines required to correctly apply an Internet business plan is a fundamental aspect to achieve success with an online store.

Related article:
What is B2B and why is it a good business model for entrepreneurs?

The basics of any ecommerce


Buying and selling products on the Internet is probably one of the most representative examples of e-commerce. Sellers create storefronts that are the online equivalent of retail outlets. Shoppers then browse and purchase products from the comfort of their home or even on the go.

The payments

If we talk about electronic payments, this also has to do with electronic commerce. When a person buys goods online, there has to be a mechanism that allows them to pay for what they have bought online. This is where payment platforms such as PayPal come into play. Online payments reduce the inefficiency associated with writing and mailing checks.


It also eliminates a large number of problems associated with security that arise as a result of paying with bills or physical money. Other examples of ecommerce would include online auctions, internet banking, in addition to online tickets.


As for the advantages of e-commerce, many of them have to do with eliminating the limitations of time and distance. In development, trading generally simplifies operations while reducing costs. Shoppers will always find it much more convenient to shop from their living room or bedroom than to drive to a physical store only to find that it is closed or that they do not have the product you need.

What do I need to set up an e-Commerce?

The way the Ecommerce or electronic commerce depends many times on the software for the shopping cart that is used. Despite this, there are several common components that make up any online store on the Internet and that allow its operation. The most important are mentioned below.

Web hosting

The foundation of a good online store begins with a good web server where to host it and the advantage of this is that some providers of web hosting for ecommerce, already include a specific product or shopping cart solution.

Trading interface

The trading or merchant interface It is the tool used to manage an online store and it is also the resource used to configure and make use of the other tools. The key here is to have a trading interface that is easy to use so that common and complex tasks can be done without much difficulty.

Product Catalog

El product catalog it is what customers see and the means by which they find out about the products or services being sold. It is the part of Ecommerce in which you usually want to invest a large part of the time and effort.


The shopping cart is what customers use to order. People add the products they want to buy to the cart, provide information about the shipment, the payment and then the shipment of the product is made.

Payment processing

Accepting payments is a fundamental part of the Ecommerce operation of any online business. Without this item, customers cannot place their orders. For this, there are different payment platforms that can be used for customers to buy the products that are sold.
Other elements that intervene in the operation of Ecommerce are shipping, the calculation of taxes and advertising.

Related article:
5 Tips To Make Your Ecommerce Business A Successful One

If you have any questions about what e-commerce is and what you need to start your journey in online commerce, leave us a comment and we will help you.

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