Who more and who less knows AliExpress and all the campaigns and promotions it offers throughout the year to be able to buy cheaper. But what is AliExpress Choice? What is this exclusive sale about?
If you want to buy with discounts and know what it is about, how to buy it and some more details, then what we have compiled will interest you.
What is AliExpress Choice
As you know, in AliExpress They always launch promotions and campaigns with which to attract more customers. One of those programs, which is now one year old, is AliExpress Choice. This is an opportunity to identify certain products within your platform that add a series of advantages, not only for buyers, but also for sellers themselves.
We could say that it is something similar to Amazon's "Prime" products. These products, which will carry the Choice label, are usually characterized by having much faster shipping (because they are managed by AliExpress itself), plus, if you want to return them, it can also be made even easier.
The reason why AliExpress included this program was mainly to make a safer and easier platform to buy. And many times, when you had to buy something at a low price, that meant having to wait a long time, sometimes up to a month. But the same does not happen with AliExpress Choice.
How to buy on AliExpress Choice
If you want to put it to the test and you already have in mind what to buy on AliExpress, let's do it. The first thing is going to be entering the platform. Then, using its search engine, you must enter what you want to buy. This will give you a number of different results.
If you look at them, there will be some that will stand out because they have the Choice label. When you click on one of them you will see that the shipping time is less than 9 days, and if you find another product that does not have that label, the waiting time will most likely be 20 to 30 days.
If you are thinking that there is some category or button in which all the Choice product offers are compiled, the truth is that there is. When you use the search engine and get the results, a column appears on the left and the first option it gives you is Delivery and service options. There you will see that you have three sections that you can point to, one of them being Choice. This way you can get all the products with that label. This will make your search much easier.
What advantages does AliExpress Choice have for buyers and sellers?
As we told you at the beginning, AliExpress Choice has a series of advantages for buyers. But also for sellers.
In the case of buyers, the most important advantages are based on having a selection of products at affordable prices (sometimes somewhat cheaper than other sellers) and that, in addition, they have a much shorter waiting (shipping) time.
In addition, a higher quality is established in the products, not guaranteed, but AliExpress does try to choose the best products for its label. Along with the shipping time and the possibility of free shipping, the issue of returns is faster because you do not have to talk to the seller, but rather the company processes it directly.
For its part, For sellers, the fact that AliExpress chooses them for its label means having greater visibility because these will be highlighted in searches. Of course, to achieve this it is necessary that they have a good sales history, that they are sellers you can trust... By increasing visibility, sales also increase, thereby obtaining a greater economic benefit for them.
The negative of AliExpress Choice
Although you have seen that AliExpress Choice is a good option to buy with higher quality, free shipping and shorter waiting times, the truth is that it will not always be like that.
You see, sometimes it can happen that There are products that you find with other sellers (and without the label) that send them to you much faster. For example, AliExpress Plaza, which can ship them in less than five days. Yes, it is true that prices in those cases can be more expensive. But just because they have the Choice label doesn't mean they are going to be the cheapest in their catalogue.
You will be able to find sellers who charge less for those products. And because? Because Choice sellers sometimes increase the price of products for the fast shipping costs they have to bear.
Therefore, when purchasing, you must take into account If it is something that you need very urgently or you can wait a longer period of time.
In addition, you should also consider that there may be delays in the delivery of orders, or even that they may be defective and you will have to deal with returns.
What are the returns like?
If you are unlucky enough to receive a product in poor condition, broken or that does not correspond to what you ordered, returns of Choice products are managed directly by AliExpress.
Yes, You should know that these are free, even if you bought the product from China. But it won't always be like this. Per month, each customer has three free returns. The rest you will have to pay. It is something to keep in mind if you make several orders throughout the month.
In general, all these returns are quick (in a matter of a few days they are resolved and you can get your money back).
AliExpress Plaza vs AliExpress Choice
Previously we have mentioned AliExpress Plaza as one of the options to receive products much faster. But what differentiates one program from another?
The main distinction between both products is in the type of seller. In the case of AliExpress Plaza you will only have Spanish sellers with local warehouses, hence shipments can be managed in less than five days. However, returns are not free, but the buyer will be responsible for the costs (unless the product sheet states otherwise).
In the case of AliExpress Choice, you can find sellers from several countries (although they are mainly from China) and you have free shipping and free returns.
Now that you know what AliExpress Choice is and everything it entails, are you going to pay more attention to that label to get the products in less time?