If you like social networks, you have surely heard the term Community manager. Perhaps you have even read news about them (the CM of the Police, the Netflix...). But do you know what a Community manager does?
This job consists of being responsible for administering and managing social networks of a company or brand on the Internet and serve as a bridge between customers, or potential customers, and the brand. But what exactly are the functions? We explain it to you below.
Community manager, a career in demand?
A few years ago, when Facebook and Twitter came out, the position of Community manager was also born, or what is the same, “community manager”. His task was to publish messages that satisfied customers and that served as a bridge between fans and company.
But taking into account that the number of social networks has increased and that they have new ones every time, it is undeniable that the functions of a Community are much greater than one might think.
Is it a position in demand? The truth is yes. Companies are unable to manage all networks, and even less to put different messages, or make different strategies, in each one of them, and that makes them need an expert. But sometimes this work is not as nice as it seems and many are guided by the results to know if a person works or not.
Functions of a Community manager
If you want to dedicate yourself to being a Community manager, or it is something that catches your attention, you should know that its definition, that of managing a community or social networks of a company, is actually very small compared to everything you have to do. Shall we talk to you about it?
Get to know each social network in depth
That means you have to know everything about Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, TikTok, Youtube… whether the company uses them or not.
Not all companies use all social networks but, as a professional, he must know them, even the new ones. This also includes the changes that may occur, algorithms and others.
And it is that his objective when delving into them is none other than that of adapt the message that the company wants to put on the different social networks. No, it is not worth posting the same thing on all social networks. A true community would have to establish different strategies.
Get to know the company in depth
Imagine that you are the link between a company and a community on Facebook. And you put posts but these do not really reflect the company, but are more general.
This can imply that the person in charge of the networks does not know the company well; is not part of it, or is not involved.
What do we mean by this? Well, in addition to knowing the networks, when you are going to manage a company it is important to know it well. Know what your mission, vision and your past, present and future are. Even feel part of it. Only then will you be able to express in words and images what that company means.
This not only involves obtaining as much information as possible from the company, but also know what the opportunities, threats, strengths and weaknesses are to improve all aspects as a whole.
Manage the community
By community we are referring to social networks. On each site there is a way to express the company's message. In other words, the message that is transmitted on Instagram is not the same as on TikTok, or on Facebook and Twitter. For that also You must be attentive to the different profiles, answer questions and comments, and deal with any situation, either positive or negative.
You must bear in mind that it becomes a fundamental pillar and that it is the "visible face" of the company, which is why you must know everything about it in order to transmit it to the followers.
Create a posting schedule
Did you think that a Community manager sits at the computer and wonders what he is going to share that day? Not much less. Actually a good professional has a calendar, normally monthly, others every three months, in which they establish all the publications that are going to be made.
In this way, they can be anticipated. Of course also you have to leave some room for last minute changes, which can be.
Prepare messages for each social network
What is commonly called "copy". And it is that these messages must be different depending on the social network where it is going to be published.
In addition, it must be accompanied by an image or a video, and the guidelines to create them must be given by this person who knows the followers best and you will know what works best and what does not in each social network.
And yes, that means that for each social network you must create a message, although in the vast majority of companies and social networks the messages are repeated on all networks (something that is already said that it is not good because it seems that you treat all the followers the same).
manage crises
In this case we refer to situations that can harm the image of the company. It is important that it is the Community, especially if they have been generated by social networks, the one that try to give resolution, to be able to be positive, with the person to avoid further "dirtying" the company's name.
For this you have to have a lot of control when communicating with that person and try to find a solution that is good for both cases.
Monitoring and measurement of publications
And it is necessary to take into account that the publications, as well as raffles, surveys, etc. they are made for something. You must know what the most relevant content is, what interests the user the mosts, where they feel most comfortable, etc., in order to know what results their publications offer and if changes need to be made or not.
Of course, from this monitoring you can obtain the conversion of users to customers, a piece of information that is also very important to know what the percentage of success is in terms of publications.
Depending on the job, there may be more or less tasks, but roughly you already know what a Community manager does. Do you dare to dedicate yourself to it?