Create website with a free Hosting It can be very tempting as you basically don't have to invest money and setup is not much of a problem. The reality however, is that this type of web hosting is not very convenient starting with the fact that you have no control over the advertising displayed on the site. That's why here we show you reasons why you should not use a free Hosting.
1. Announcements
As we said, the free web hosting advertise on all sites hosted under this setting. This is a great disadvantage for a business that wants to promote a product and finds that ads related to other services or articles appear on the site.
2. There is no main domain
With a free Hosting you do not get the main domain name separately, instead you get a subdomain on the name of the domain itself. This is also a great disadvantage for those who want to create a brand and be easily recognized by Internet users.
3. No customer support
Unlike the paid hostings, with a free web hosting there is no customer support in case technical help is required in the installation or with any other problem related to the operation of the site.
4. Limited bandwidth and speed
Finally, this is also another of the disadvantages of free Hosting and one of the reasons why you should not opt for this option. That is, this type of Hosting limits speed and bandwidth, so if you want your users to quickly access your site, this will be a great inconvenience. In fact, when the speed and bandwidth limit is exceeded, what is done is simply to block the servers and the site.