The health crisis caused by the Covid-19 coronavirus has wreaked havoc and collapse across the country. There are many affected people who must rebuild themselves little by little. As a result of this situation, a citizen, social and non-partisan movement whose main objective is to show the contribution that the private sector has in the recovery of normality in the Spanish economy. The movement is known by the name of Damos La Cara.
Situation of economic and health crisis
There is no more to see than in all of Spain, 89% of the companies are family-owned and they have an ambitious goal that involves several territorial associations made up of family businesses. These family businesses have proposed to visualize the activities carried out by all the partners to give generalized support to both health and economic problems. It is a social movement that does not stop growing given the great reception it is having, being the basis of a solid scenario to engage in the fight to recover all the ground that the virus has taken from us.
En We give the face found more than 1.400 companies from all over Spain that have come together with the aim of overcoming the economic and health crisis. It must be taken into account that the private sector is essential to solve this critical situation, since the public sector alone will not be able to take over. Furthermore, 67% of all private employment in Spain are family businesses. This makes them play a key role in the search for long-term solutions.
Who makes up the Damos La Cara movement
This social movement is made up of all the people who make up Spanish family businesses. These companies weigh heavily on the economy and the productive fabric. Family businesses have great longevity and a close commitment to citizens. This is reflected in greater resilience and solidarity in times of crisis.
The basis of the Damos La Cara movement is to highlight the main characteristic of family businesses: the long-term vision. It must be taken into account that projects that have good profitability and satisfactory results require a long-term vision. A sufficient period of time to lay a solid foundation with a good structure that can be sustained over time. The vast majority of projects managed by family businesses become monitored and guided by up to three generations of the same surname. This implies a commitment to the citizen at the highest level in terms of work, environment, technological capital, security, trust, etc.
Objective of the Damos La Cara movement
The main objective of the Damos La Cara movement is to reflect the plurality of family business projects. These companies are centuries-old companies that have been adapting to the new economic environment and new technologies. For this, they have needed several generations that have been able to improve performance and adapt services to meet the needs and expectations of citizens. Also part of this movement are the innovative initiatives that are those that introduce changes in technological development, sustainability and internationalization in family businesses. All this taking into account that it maintains the root and the local essence in its place of origin.
Another objective of Damos La Cara is to promote the entrepreneurial spirit of the new generations, since it has become one of the basic pillars for the recovery of society and the economy.
The reasons why the Damos La Cara movement becomes fundamental are the following:
- In Spain 89% of the companies are family-owned.
- 67% of private employment in Spain is generated by the family business.
- The family business contributes 57,1% of the GDP in our country.
- The average longevity of family businesses is 33 years, while in non-family businesses the average is 12 years.
- Family businesses have proven to be the most supportive, resilient and those that have invested the most in times of crisis.
One of the notable examples of family businesses that join the Damos La cara movement is the Serra Group. It is a family business that works in a communication group where the newspaper Ultima Hora is located. The objective of the Serra Group is to give the information the value it deserves without saturating the reader on the topic of the pandemic. To do this, it makes its best effort, taking all security measures for its employees and guaranteeing the correct transmission of information.