Wallapop has become one of the most used platforms to sell what we have at home and are not going to use. Nevertheless, is not the only one. There are actually more alternatives to Wallapop that you should try. Some are very well known but others not so much.
And no one stops you from selling the same products on both. You would just have to be careful that if it is sold on one site, you will have to remove it from all the others. How about we talk to you about those other options?
Source: Preview
Maybe Vibbo doesn't appeal to you much, because you haven't heard it before. But the truth is that If we tell you "Second Hand" the thing is different. Along with Mil Announcements, there was a time when they both remained and were the best for finding second-hand products.
Now, that website that disappeared has returned with a whole renewal: Vibbo.
It should be noted that Wallapop does not allow us to send photos, something that Vibbo has been able to take advantage of. that advantage so that when someone asks about the "current" status of a product they can send photos immediately (and not wait until they have to update the ad). Additionally, you can tell if the seller is online.
User tracking is something they also have in Wallapop, as well as the reputation system.
You have Vibbo available on the web but also in its own application, available for both iOS and Android.
Before Wallapop came out, one of the most interesting places where you could find practically everything was eBay. In fact, it continues to be so because, unlike the alternatives to Wallapop, it does not stay only in Spain (unless you want it to). You can find bargains all over the world. You will just have to see what shipping costs they have and the waiting time.
To give you an idea, in the 2000s, It was the best place to find merchandise directly from China and Japan, and at much more affordable prices than what you can find in Spanish stores.
Now, although the number of items has decreased a little and the prices are somewhat more expensive, it is still a good option to buy cheap. Some things are even new but at more affordable prices. Have you tried doing some searches?
Be careful, because the first thing we want to tell you about this application is that It is not to buy or sell. But to give as a gift. The objective of the app is that users can offer those products that people no longer need but that other people could take advantage of. And instead of charging for it, we appeal to people's generosity.
Every gift you give gives you points and you can do good deeds. Furthermore, just as you can give away what you don't want, You can also have a wish list in case someone has it and wants to give it to you.
Of course, we do not know who would have to pay the shipping costs, but it is normal for it to be the person who is going to keep the product.
Source: Pinterest Todocoleccion
We continue with the alternatives to Wallapop to present you another one. TodoCollection was born as a website where you can find those collector's products, as well as furniture and somewhat more valuable objects.
However, now the truth is that we can find almost everything. But much of what we will find in their catalog will be objects with some collectible value.
All of them are sold by individuals or companies, and in some the price can be negotiated, while for others it is immutable. Of course, it doesn't have everything you can think of. It is focused more on books and related books, games, dolls, furniture...
Wish local
Wish is something similar to Temu and Aliexpress. Even Joom. In it you find tons of items at different prices and you can buy thousands of things cheap. But of course, we have told you that this is a list of alternatives to Wallapop.
So, focusing on that, we will tell you that has a special section for buying and selling second-hand products: Wish local.
Depending on where you live you can put the product up for sale and if someone is interested they just have to contact you.
One of the pages that is still active despite the years is none other than Milanuncios. On this page (and it also has an application) you can find practically everything. It has many categories and, although that may make you overwhelmed, the truth is that its search engine works very well.
Yes, You have to take time to see all the offers that will come out because there are usually many of them (it will all depend on what you are looking for, of course).
How about an app specialized in buying and selling second-hand clothes? Well, Vinted is dedicated precisely to that and It is one of the best alternatives to Wallapop to find clothes at a low price.
Once it arrives you can see if it is the same, if it changes... and talk to the seller to close the deal or to request a refund.
When you enter the website or the app, you will realize that there are now many more products, not just those related to clothing. And they have opened up to more (although in the ads they continue to focus on clothing). Which is it? Entertainment, pets, home…
Other point to keep in mind is that they offer you the price for which the seller sells it and, together below, the price with Vinted insurance (in case something happens), so you can see for sure what it will cost (you have to add the shipping, which appears just above the Buy button (in green) of the column that appears when looking at a product).
Facebook Marketplace
Source: Autopublisher
A few years ago Facebook decided to add one more function to its social network. And you could no longer only chat with people from your city or friends from all over the world. Also buy and sell second-hand (or new) products.
There are tons of products for sale, although it is not so easy to find them at first and you will have to adapt a little to how they work.
As you see, There are many alternatives to Wallapop that you should consider. Have you visited any of them? And have you tried selling there or buying?