If you have an eCommerce, surely you have established several forms of contact for your customers but, Have you thought of video conferencing as one of them? It is an original and little exploited way for eCommerce, but it brings a virtual company closer to customers.
If you had not considered it and want to know more, keep reading because surely we are going to show you something that can be useful for your eCommerce.
Why use a videoconference in an eCommerce
Buying on the Internet is a bit of a blind eye, because you can't really see, touch or know the product beyond the images that are offered to you in an eCommerce. But what if that changed? You know that, if you have doubts, you can contact the seller who will answer you (or not).
But videoconferencing in an eCommerce can be the difference between buying online and giving the feeling that you are talking to a person, as if you were going to the bakery to buy. On the one hand, it brings the customer and the seller closer, it puts a face on them, and above all a relationship is generated that is no longer cold. It is much easier to reach customers, you humanize the business and also build loyalty.
Reasons to use a videoconference in an eCommerce can be many, but all of them reach the same conclusion: they make eCommerce acquire "life" since we see beyond a web page.
How to use it to your advantage
Using a videoconference is as simple as setting a schedule and enabling your camera that time so that anyone can call you and thus clarify doubts before buying, or because they have had a problem and want you to attend to them.
To do this, you must have a computer (or mobile), with a camera and microphone. The more quality you give it, the better, because that way you will offer a better service (that means that if you have a powerful Internet connection there will be fewer problems).
Advantages and disadvantages of a video conference
How good is it to enable a videoconference for your eCommerce? As we want you to have all the pros and cons, we are going to talk to you next about the advantages and disadvantages that this has.
Advantages of video conferencing
Actually, there are quite a few advantages to enabling this communication system with your clients, so much so that it will attract attention. Because to begin with We are talking about a form of contact that the competition may not have, with which, you already stand out. And if you also offer quality, customers will start to notice you. It will be as if they bought in a real store.
You are going to reduce travel costs, first, for your clients if you sell not only on the Internet, but also physically; and second, because you do not need anything extra to offer this service, being able to have a longer working hours and optimize it based on your clients.
We talk about a individualized counseling that, although it could be similar to that of an email, since you personalize it and respond to it, the fact of being able to see you and talk “from you to you” (always establishing a respect between seller and customer), will make the users see you more committed to your business.
Disadvantages of video conferencing
Now, not everything is good. Starting because you have to be in that available time, and it is not something that clients are going to request at all times, with which, there will be hours that you spend with nothing to do. And you will say, I can do something else. But be careful, because If a customer tries to get in touch with you and you don't listen, you will also create a bad image.
You must have a place to videoconference. And although we have said that you do not need anything extra, what you use (the camera, microphone, etc.) should show good image and sound quality so that you can understand with customers.
Tips for successful video conferencing
Finally, we do not want to forget to give you some tips so that the videoconference with your clients goes well, since you must take care of certain aspects. Specifically, we recommend the following:
Place the computer to make the videoconference in a "nice" area
When making a videoconference, you are going to show your clients a part of your business, whether it is in a local, in an office, or in your own home. Now, imagine that what you see in the background is a half-painted, or dirty wall. Or worse yet, they see lots of products, clutter ... Do you think they will trust you?
You need locate you in a place that gives professionalism to your business. If possible, with something that in the background allows you to put the logo of your company so that they can relate to it and thus do not lose sight that it is with a company with whom they are talking.
Make yourself presentable
Taking into account the "failures" that you surely remember because they have become viral, we recommend that you dress presentable. From up to down. That is, put on clothes with which you would go out on the street, or with which you would serve your customers.
And why do we tell you from top to bottom? Yes, we know that a videoconference is usually done sitting down. But what if for whatever reason you have to get up? What if you haven't worn anything “presentable” underneath? Your client is going to see you and may get a bad opinion of you. So try to be fine for those face-to-face calls.
Take care of the language ... and your patience
Keep in mind that a video conference is not the same as face-to-face. Also, you should know that this sometimes fails, the sound slows down, the image freezes ... So arm yourself with patience because they are things that you cannot foresee.
That means that if they ask you to repeat things, or to explain it to them again, it is not really because they do not understand you, but because they can also have errors and that your message does not get right. In those cases, try to be direct with the answer they are looking for, in addition to trying to explain things as well as possible.
It is available at various times
Not everyone can afford to videoconference during business hours. Sometimes their work, their day-to-day life… makes this impossible for them.
So, something that can also Stand out from your competition by offering more flexible hours, or at different times than normal. For example, from 7 to 9 in the morning, or from 8 to 10 and 11 at night. Yes, these are hours where you are not supposed to work. But clients will appreciate it because you don't force them to have to "fit" their query into their schedule.