You can use Twitter to boost your ecommerce business, But before that, you must first determine what you intend to achieve in this social network. You must not forget that Twitter has its own language with subtle nuances and hashtag you need to understand.
How to use Twitter for your Ecommerce
Customer service
Like everything Ecommerce business, you need to start thinking about Twitter as your complaints and customer service department. To be successful, you must make sure to monitor all mentions of your brand on the social network and respond to customers with exceptional service.
Manage positive and negative Tweets
If it is a Positive tweet, you must retweet, then send a tweet again with a thank you expressing your satisfaction for the good experience that customer has obtained. If it is a Negative tweet, don't avoid it, address the problem immediately and offer a solution. Treat your Twitter interactions the way you would face home, be polite, enthusiastic, and friendly.
Research your target market
This social network is ideal for ecommerce owners who are looking to obtain information that allows them to boost their online businesses. If your business sells mountain bikes, make one Twitter search using keywords to find users who are talking about mountain bikes. The more prolific a user on TwitterBetter yet, you should also consider those users who, although they may have few followers, are still a potential consumer.
Investigate the competition
It is very likely that your competitors are already using Twitter and therefore it is convenient that you learn from the things they are doing well, as well as from their failures. Find out how they emphasize their value proposition, how their prices compare to yours, what their product photos and descriptions look like, is their site optimized for mobile, etc.