How to use sensory words to connect with shoppers

ecommerce session words

It is well known that our The subconscious records sensory data such as taste, smell, sight, hearing, or touch. When this information is recorded, the sensory areas of the brain, an aspect that you can take advantage of to connect with buyers in your ecommerce. To do this, you must make sure that you use sensory words that are appropriate and that eventually translate into a conversion.

Look at your products and create a list of specific words

It is recommended that you use Excel to create a list of sensory words related to your products. Nor is it necessary to make a list where all the five senses are included, however keep in mind that if you cannot imagine it, then it is not something concrete.

Read your customers' comments and find sensory words

At this point it is important that look for words that describe your product and the environment as it is used. By reading the reviews or comments, you can tell that buyers use a product both inside and outside their homes.

To combat information overload, it is convenient sort the comments starting with the most useful ones. After reading the first two pages of the comments, you will be able to add the description of the product, some words that you probably had not considered.

Add sensory words to the description of your products

When approaching this stage, it is important to put the words you use in context. For example, the word "blisters" is a very specific and sensory word, however it also has a negative connotation. Therefore, an appropriate product description might be something like "a flexible sole that helps prevent foot pain and blisters when walking."

Using this type of sensory words in ecommerce, helps to motivate potential buyers, allowing them to visualize themselves using the product and satisfying a specific need.

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