Hashtags became popular on Twitter, but now we can find them on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and practically all social media. It is an easy way to categorize the topics that are being discussed, making it easier to find posts on a particular topic. Here we present you a guide for you to learn how to use this useful tool to promote your online business.
What are hashtags?
Hash refers to the pound symbol "#" and the word "tag" means label. It consists of placing the numeral followed by a keyword. Examples would be #ecommerce, #mcommerce, #comerco, “socialcommerce, etc.
How do hashtags work?
Once we make a publication with a label that follows this format, a link will be created that can be clicked on, where our publication will be placed. under the tag category and it will be shown to the market niche that is interested in the topic. For example, if a person on facebook makes a search with the word "ecommerce" All our publications that have the hashtag #ecommerce will appear in the results.
How do they benefit my business?
Hashtags have the characteristic of being able to spread very quickly because users use them to share more content with those tags. If you want to get in touch with your target market, it is a tool that you cannot ignore. You just have to add hashtags that are relevant to your business. For example, if you offer a computer repair service, add hashtags like #computer, #repair, #computer, etc. You will make it much easier for your potential consumers to find you.
Another way is use hashtags that are already current but making them relevant to your business. Following the lead of the computer repair business, if you find that you are in the #NewYear hashtag boom you can post an update that cites "Start the #NewYear with your pc as new to fulfill all your purposes" This way people who visit that tag will find your post.