Amazon It has expanded significantly to another market again, this time it is the supermarket, this news dominated many conversations last week. Clearly, Amazon warned us of this. “I have been here since before, since 1990 to be exact when Amazon was only books, I managed the e-commerce unit. I got involved in an argument with one of the analysts focused on Amazon, who believed that the company would not exit the book market. I argued that the model that was being used could and was going to expand to other areas, but even I was not thinking so long term ”.
Since then, Amazon has entered not only most retail areas, but to the aftermarket to the grocery market, but not only that but also to the technology company, thanks to the Amazon Web services. Clearly these are going to take another step towards the parcel and shipping business, and most likely they will exceed large companies like UPS and FedEx in a few years, but what about Amazon cars or an Amazon hotel line? We could be heading to an Amazon United States.
The recurring model of Amazon, which makes it unique and different from the others, is that it focuses on connecting its consumers with its products with minimal friction, which on large scales has great results. Lately it has been virtually impossible to compete in the long term with this combination, because this not only results in a competitive price, but also an unmatched experience for consumers, in terms of convenience. Some things can arrive the same day and in some places, you can measure the time it will take for your order to arrive and you can even know the exact times of this.