Unique Features of E-commerce Technology


The unique dimensions of these internet commerce technologies, have suggested that many other possibilities exist for commerce and sale, as there is a powerful set of interactive messages that are personalized.

Know the characteristics of eCommerce commerce that make it a unique system that is constantly expanding thanks to the good acceptance it has had by the public.

Why electronic commerce (or eCommerce) is so important today

Why electronic commerce (or eCommerce) is so important today

Since the first online store was created to what is today the eCommerce market, many years have passed. And the evolution has been very positive, achieving a great advance. And it is that more and more people, instead of setting up a physical store, opt for one on the Internet thanks to the benefits it has: being able to reach a larger audience, being where users do their searches, etc.

Millions of entrepreneurs have ended up having a presence on the Internet And that has allowed that now you can find through search engines all the products you need, even those that you did not know could exist.

However, eCommerce technology can be characterized by several factors to take into account. Do you know which ones they are? We'll tell you then.

The characteristics of eCommerce technology

The characteristics of eCommerce technology

If you already have an online store, or if you are considering creating one, these characteristics may help you understand the true importance of an e-commerce. In fact, not only will it matter now, but it is expected to be the future of the world, with stores only online and very few physical ones (you may be realizing that now very few physical stores are being opened and yet online businesses are booming). In this sense, the characteristics that define it are the following:

Global reach

Mainly there is this advantage which helps to connect with the whole world so that commercial transactions can exceed the limits of borders and culture with much greater efficiency both in costs and in effort compared to traditional commerce. Thanks to this, the potential size of this market will increase.

Closely related to location, global reach is another important feature of eCommerce technology. And is that the to be able to carry out transactions all over the world, With the various forms of payment (Paypal, bank transfers, payment platforms, credit cards, etc.) it allows you to make it easier for users to buy from you.

If we add to that that there is more possibility to send the products, since if previously only Correos was available, there are many more options now, with courier companies, which make shipments faster and safer, which gives a better image for your business.


In traditional commerce, a good market is a physical place that is visited to make transactions. On the other hand, in eCommerce there is ubiquity, which means that it is available anywhere and at any time. With this, the market is freed since it no longer has to be restricted in a tangible delimitation and allows buying from the comfort of home.

In other words, you will have a business that It is not limited by the place where the procedures are carried out, but you will be able to serve the whole country, or even the whole world if you want. For example, imagine that you have a decoration accessories business.

If you have a physical store, the normal thing is that you only sell in the city where you are, because that is where they know you. However, with an eCommerce, you are opening the location more, since those products that you sell can be sent by mail or courier to other parts of the country, or the whole world, which opens your audience much more, and you would get more benefits, especially if the business you have is good.


Unlike traditional commerce, two-way communication between consumer and merchant is much easier. This means that all these activities are possible with just one website. By having interactive contact, there is much more commitment from both the merchant and the consumer.

Establish communication through an online store is quite simple. And it is that not only is chat available, but the emergence of social networks opened another communication channel along with the telephone and email. All this allows for a closer relationship, almost almost as if it were a local business talking with its customers (although in most cases they do not see each other face to face).

The characteristics of eCommerce technology

Universal standards

This feature is wonderful since the technical standards are easier to unify to carry them out as they will be shared by all nations around the world. With this, many barriers or limitations are broken, making the products more standardized to avoid complications.

In this sense, we are referring to all eCommerce works in practically the same way, so it is very easy to be able to compare prices, product descriptions, delivery times, etc. which facilitates the purchase to the users.

Personalization and adaptation

In this case, and also as one of the most important factors in the present and the future, is personalization and adaptation, that is, that electronic commerce can adapt based on user or client preferences, well offering related products, making them look more specific according to needs, adapting stimuli, offering coupons ...

In short, the ability of online stores to change based on what their customers are looking for from them.

Social technology

An online store is a more social medium than others, such as television, radio ... Because in this case there is a greater relationship, in addition to the fact that the store itself can be the creator of your own content that informs your users about the products or the theme of these. Therefore, the consumption of content is also important as characteristics of eCommerce.

Information density

In this case, we refer to the amount of information that, through eCommerce, or the Internet, can be obtained about a certain product. If you pay attention, practically all eCommerce that have the same products sell them with the same description. But there are others who show a little more interest with respect to the information they provide to give more, of higher quality, and more practical. This allows for a better connection with users, as well as making a more appropriate decision.

However, providing long and tedious descriptions is not always a good idea, especially if they are too technical or difficult to understand. That is why it requires people who can condense all that information and provide a text that is understandable and also practical to make decisions.


In this case we are not referring exactly to the money that is earned with eCommerce, but to the wealth in terms of the product. And it is that, one of the great disadvantages of an eCommerce is in the fact that the consumer cannot see the product, nor touch it or try it before buying it, which is why many prefer physical stores to online ones.

The problem is that right now, by evolving and allowing returns, exchanges ..., in many cases without prejudice to the user, it opens the possibility to "tests", that is, to be able to help choose those products even if they haven't seen them before.

And how is that done? Well, with the richness of the message that you want to convey. And it is that not only text can be used, but also images and video to convince customers that the product is really what they need and were looking to solve their problem.

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