Ultimate Social Deux, plugin to share content on social networks


If you have a blog for Ecommerce where you constantly publish news about your products, launches or any other type of relevant information for your customers, surely you already know how important they are social networks. In this sense, we want to talk to you about Ultimate Social Deux, a WordPress plugin that allows you to share content on social media by adding customizable buttons and a host of additional features.

Ultimate Social Deux - more than just social buttons

One of the aspects that stands out the most about this plugin is that it not only provides you with a set of social icons to share your content. This is a plugin that is very carefully coded in Lightweight CSS and in javascritp code, so it does not interfere with the loading of the site. Social buttons are customizable in a variety of ways.

For example, you can decide the color of the buttons, their placement, add or delete specific social networksIt even comes with a bar for mobile devices. It also allows you to place the buttons either at the top or at the bottom of the page and if you prefer, it also has a floating bar that you can configure so that it is only displayed on certain pages of your site.

It also includes a fan counter that can be shown or hidden, as well as several styles for buttons and the ability to further customize using CSS.

You can also share content by mail and Pocket

And not only the plugin has buttons for the most popular social networks like Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, LinkedIn, Google+, etc. It also offers the ability to share content through a personalized email message.

The person with whom the content is shared knows immediately what it is about and there is even an option for captcha in such a way that spam is avoided. Not only that, a pocket button, which means that the user can save the article in his Pocket account to view the content later from his PC or mobile device.

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