7 types of marketing strategies

When it comes to marketing, there is no single strategy. Depending on the objective you are setting yourself, there are different types of marketing strategies and knowing some of them can help you refine what you must do to achieve that goal you are looking for.

So, if you want to know what a marketing strategy is as well as the types of marketing strategies that exist and they are more common to use, here we leave you all the content so that you understand what we mean and what each one of them works for.

What is a marketing strategy

What is a marketing strategy

We can define a marketing strategy as that process in which a company uses its resources to achieve the objective that it sets itself, which is usually to increase sales or try to stand out from the competition. In other words, they are actions carried out by a business to achieve a purpose related to an improvement in its results. To do this, the objectives they must set must meet a series of characteristics:

  • That they are specific, that is, that they refer to something specific that you want to achieve.
  • Measurable, that there are tools with which to know if that objective is met.
  • That they are achievable, since you need an objective that can really be carried out.
  • Relevant, in that it must be related to the company.

Within the marketing strategy, it acts on four pillars fundamentals of the company:

  • The product or service, that is, what we sell or offer to customers.
  • The price.
  • Promotions, whether discounts, offers, etc.
  • The point of sale or distribution. The different sales channels would also enter here, both physical and online.

Types of marketing strategies that exist

Types of marketing strategies that exist

Now that you know a little better what a marketing strategy is, it is a good idea for you to know that there are different types of marketing strategies since, if you know them, you will be able to know which is the most appropriate based on the objective you are considering to achieve. .

There are many types, but the most common are the following:

Segmentation strategy

It became very famous a few years ago, and the truth is that it has its reason for being. Many can subscribe to a page, but each person would be included in a group according to their age, hobbies, tastes ... If you carry out a marketing strategy missing the target customer, it will not work. Therefore, the segmentation strategy is based on divide that audience you have into smaller groups with interests, ages, etc. common.

For example, imagine you have an online toy store. You have many subscribers, but some with children and others without them (they are more collectors). So a promotion where you offer a discount per child, for this second group would not work. And you would lose clients in this case.

Competition-based strategy

In this case, the The competitive aspect is the one that governs the type of actions to be carried out. To do this, we try to improve based on the competition to offer more, or cheaper, in front of them with the aim of climbing positions.

The quality of the products and / or services you offer, the price, the attention, or the availability of the products are some aspects that can be influenced by the competition. Not forgetting advertising and improving the image of the company.

Types of marketing strategies that exist

Positioning strategy

This is the last thing we have talked to you about before, that is, to make the brand is better known by consumers. In this case, in itself it is a strategy that must be taken into account to improve sales and the way users, customers or not, see you.

Digital marketing strategy

Within digital marketing we can include different types of marketing strategies, but all of them based on the Internet. In this case, we could quote you:

  • Inbound marketing, which would be to attract users and convert them into customers, using useful content.
  • E-mailing, in the sense that it seeks to establish communication with those users. You have to be careful, because if you suddenly start to use the data without the other person having given their authorization, then it can be considered an intrusion, in addition to using data for something that has not been given permission.
  • Social media. Increasingly used and another form of communication with users.
  • Search engines, specifically web positioning, so that the page or eCommerce is in the top positions and is more visible.

Content marketing strategy

The content marketing strategy before was seen as something within what was digital marketing. But it has gained so much importance and prominence that it is now seen as something separate.

It is based on using resources to manage to improve the positioning as well as the reputation of a brand through texts. For this, the blog, infographics, ebooks ... are very important and they manage to connect with people.

Now, although you may think that anyone can write, the truth is that only those who know how to "master" words are going to be able to write texts that empathize with users.

Loyalty strategy, one of the least used types of marketing strategies

For some time now, it has been seen how it is equally or more important to take care of customers, not just to disassociate from it as soon as the order is delivered. It's called loyalty, and it involves be attentive to your feedback, but also to offer you promotions, discounts, loyalty cards, etc.

In other words, it is a more personalized customer service based on the relationships that occur in traditional (physical) businesses.

Brand ambassador strategies, of the most current types of marketing strategies

This is one of the last that has appeared and that is causing a sensation because, in a way, you turn the client or user into a brand ambassador in such a way that they promote your products and / or services in exchange for better service, price, gifts or even financial rewards.

This allows you to reach more people, since you involve that person's followers.

As you can see, there are many to choose from, these being the most common and used by companies. However, you have to bear in mind that marketing is a science that evolves and changes a lot over the years, so new strategies always emerge and others are forgotten. Do you know more types of important marketing strategies? Let us know.

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