If you have a web page or an eCommerce, the most likely thing is that, at some point, you have thought about investing in the types of Adwords campaigns in order to obtain results, whether it was more traffic for your website, more sales ...
However, not many know that there are several types. Therefore, today we want to talk to you about the types of Adwords campaigns so that you know them all and you can decide which is the one that best suits your objective.
What is Google Adwords
First of all, we must know what we mean by Google Adwords. In fact, it is a tool that has been with us for several years, which is equivalent to being a Google project that has succeeded. Specifically, it is a advertising program by which you can create ads in the Google search engine that will be shown to users looking for results that are related to the keywords for which you are advertising.
Its operation is based on "auctions". That is, the more you pay per click, the more times you will appear. However, it is not that easy, since the level of quality of what you want to advertise also influences (if the web does not have good quality, it will have hardly any visibility).
For Google Adwords to work, it is necessary to take three elements into account:
- The keywords. Called by name in English, keywords. They are the terms that users themselves search for and that can cause an ad to fire. For example, imagine you have an online shoe store. And you want to place an ad with Google Adwords. One of the keywords people search for on the Internet is "women's shoes." Therefore, if you use that word, when someone searches for it, your ad will be listed.
- The locations. This is key if you only want your ads to appear for a certain city, or location. It is very useful for local SEO.
- The bids. Finally, you should know that you will not be only creating ads for a certain keyword. Actually there will be many more who want that word. And that makes you have to go through a "bid." What does it mean? Well, you should know the amount you want to invest. In addition, the quality of the ad, the website and the impact of the ad come into play here.
Keep your goal in mind
When using Google Adwords, many "sin" in the sense that they think they don't have to consider the objective to place an ad, but only take into account all of the above. Big mistake.
The truth is that, depending on the objective you have, you can choose different Google Ads campaigns, according to the one that best suits what you want to achieve. Because, in case you don't know, there are different types of campaigns in Google Ads.
And what objective can you have for an ad? Well it will depend on what you want to achieve with them. For example:
- If you would like to get sales. It is the most common and what you are looking for is an increase in sales.
- If you want a sales opportunity. It is not the same as the previous one because what is sought here is that the users who see it interact with the ad. It can be a shopping campaign, a video campaign ...
- Attract web traffic. This objective is also widely used in the sense that it makes the website or eCommerce known to a larger audience than we can achieve on our own.
- Give brand and / or product notoriety. Similar to the above, the objective in this case is that there is an increase in users who know the brand or the product being sold, in such a way that you are not looking for sales directly, but you are looking for potential customers.
Depending on your goal, then there are different types of Google Ads campaigns.
Types of Adwords campaigns
Have you stopped to think about the types of Google Adwords campaigns that exist? This is not something that many people know, and it may be the reason why you are not getting the results you expect. Therefore, here we are going to detail each one of them so that you know what you can achieve with them.
In general, you should know that there are six types of Google Adwords campaigns. Let's go?
Types of Adwords Campaigns: Search
The first one that Google offers us is search. To do this, ads are generated, which can be text or call to action, which will be displayed in the search engine (when it lists the results of something that a user has searched for, as long as it is related to the ad or the words key that we have used).
Once you choose this ad, you can decide if your goal is to have more visits to your website, if you want them to call you, download something ...
In this case, it is one of the most used because Let users know about your business by using the keywords that you have chosen.
Display campaign
This campaign is based on attracting the user. They are calls to action that want to attract many users to take them to the website or to interact with the ad. And what kind of ads can they be? Well, they could be:
- Responsive ads. Where you have a text and an image.
- Image: where you are the one who designs the ad, always based on the formats and dimensions requested by Google.
- Lightbox ads. They are cards with videos, images, combinations ...
- Gmail. Do you remember that ads usually appear in Gmail? Yes, you could also access them through this type of campaign.
Unlike other types of Google Ads campaigns, The use of keywords is not going to serve as much here as the subject or tastes of that person.
Types of Google Adwords campaign: Shopping
Surely, when you have wanted to buy something and you have searched in Google, with the results, above all, you have Google Shopping. Yes, that can also be "paid for" through the Google Adwords campaign types.
What you will do is promote the products and / or services you have in such a way that you get listed in the first results according to the keywords you have used (and that people look for). For this, it is important to have a good photo of the product and a title that calls, in addition to all the important data (via Merchant Center). It is not as exploited as you think, so it can be a good option to explore.
Types of Google Adwords campaign: video
A video campaign is not cheap, but it is very effective. Typically used for increase the visibility of a brand or a product, And it tends to have different objectives, since traffic reaches the website, sales, etc.
Where are these ads displayed? Well, especially on YouTube and on pages related to Google so you can watch videos. In addition, you have multiple options for these, from making videos of a specific duration, skipping them, etc.
App campaigns
This is focused on applications, that is, the objective is to achieve that people will download that app. For this reason, where these types of Google Adwords campaigns are used the most is in other applications, on YouTube, Google Play and yes, now also in Google Discover. But to be able to do it, you need the application to be in the App Store (Apple) or in Google Play.
Smart Campaigns
Finally, you have the "Smart" campaigns, also called smart. The objective of these is to help people who do not know much about Google Ads to create ads similar to Search or Display, but in an easier way to configure.
In addition, they are the most suitable for doing Local SEO, since it is usually based on the objective of being shown only in a ratio of up to 65 kilometers from the location of your company. That is, you will not be able to reach all of Spain with it.