Top Trends 2015: Keys on the evolution of digital business

Top Trends 2015: Keys on the evolution of digital business

IAB Spain, the Association of advertising, marketing and digital communication in Spain, has presented the report Top Trends 2015, which collects the keys to the evolution of digital business. This report shows a global vision of the digital market in a practical and efficient way. According to Antonio Traugott, General Director of IAB Spain “IAB Spain's Top Tendencies document is an annual classic highly anticipated by the market, since the content comes directly from the companies that work daily in the business and that participate in our Work Commissions. The content includes important clues as to where the most relevant and dynamic aspects of the digital sector are evolving ”. 

Let's see a synthesis of the keys to the evolution of digital businesses in 2015 that are set out in this report.

Trends for the evolution of digital business in 2015

Branded Content

El branded content It will be the main investment in online video for marketing managers, who nevertheless do not invest in its distribution, generating frustration and bad experiences.


"Visibility - Viewability", may be one of the most important changes. The metric is standardized, there will be important consequences such as advancing in the fight against fraud and possible changes in pricing models.

Programmatic Purchase and RTB

Lto programmatic purchase it is a reality with higher budgets, more qualified professionals in an environment in which visibility, transparency, new enriched formats and the increasing use of qualified data are key aspects of its rapid growth.

Digital Creativity

They will talk about real time marketing: brands and agencies will evolve towards communication in real time, 24/365 to take advantage of all communication and conversation opportunities on social media. In addition, the expansion of "wereables" will encourage creativity to integrate the user experience in advertising campaigns.

 Digital Signage

The increasing incorporation of the Hospitality, Catering, Catering (horeca) and physical stores (retail) sectors will serve as a lever for the market.


It will stop talking only about eCommerce to talk in general about "Commerce". The on-off division, and even the division by device, loses relevance compared to the unitary vision of a single market, that of the user. Brands will need to better integrate their offline and online environments to offer a hybrid consumer experience.

 Internet of Things

A great emergence of connected cars is expected, thanks to the arrival of eCall, the end of European roaming and the advance to only 4 operating systems.


This year we will see the first cases of the application of the Intellectual Property reforms regarding the responsibilities of advertising intermediaries. In addition, in the absence of a clear regulation of Branded Content, the self-regulation it is likely to become an excellent practice in order to increase legal certainty. Moreover, the new European Data Protection Regulation, whose negotiations turn 3 years in January, it seems that it can be approved in 2015, which will entail an expansion of the concept of personal data, new principles, and drastic changes in the legitimacy to process them.


This year will see the creation of private programmatic buy-sell markets, generally made up of leading media with premium audiences that can only be accessed by a select group of buyers through invitation. They provide security, transparency, immediacy, and above all quality.


This year it is committed to more specialized and niche apps, exploring new sectors such as Health or Retail. We will talk about the “Second screen”, normalizing the simultaneous use of the TV and another device.

Online Radio

La format standardization, added to the measurement possibilities of the digital medium and the advantages of audio, will consolidate the market, allowing it to increase confidence in online radio and investment.

 Economical performance

The latest trends are based on the profitability measurement y user experience control in a global context, with interactions in the online and offline world and of course, multi-device.

Social Media

This will be the year of the Brand Ambassadors, in other words, influencers looking for like-minded brands to represent them.

Connected TV

This year it will bet on new global competitors. The video platforms themselves and the manufacturers (Netflix, YouTube, Apple TV, Samsung) are beginning to create or acquire their own content. In the long term, competition between local and global companies will stiffen.

Online Video

You experience a democratization of prime time. For small advertisers it will be very positive since they will be able to invest in advertising in prime time television, using online video instead of traditional television.


You can view and download the IAB Spain Top Trends 2015 report in pdf this article.

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