Tool to optimize the experience of your customers

Tool to optimize the experience of your customers

If you make the experience of your customers much more pleasant in your Online store, you will get them to come back many more times, how to get it?

Create a relationship of real trust between you and the client

One of the most frequent causes of abandonment of baskets in ecomerce is that they lack a lot of information to be able to complete their purchase. This is solved with a simple step and is by placing a instant messaging in your store.

If you want to give your customers a more real experience and above all full of confidence, all you have to do is place a chat system Through which, your customers can communicate at any time with the company and in this way, resolve any type of doubt that may arise and even encourage them to carry the purchase to the end.

One of the perfect tools for this case is Iadvize that connects your customers, with your experts.

What will you get by installing this tool in your ecommerce

This will make your customers feel much more committed to reaching the end of the purchase if they have a real contact with someone from the store that can support any question.

Place after each chat, customer satisfaction questionnaires so you know if your chat is working or not or customers are satisfied.

Present your customers with more products similar to the one they just bought right after they buy them.

People who have decided to use iadvize, they are capable of registering up to 75% increases in the baskets as measured.

As a final note, this will help you to know what is the effectiveness of the people who serve your customers in terms of sales, since everything starts from the attention given to your customers.

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