Tips to grow your e-commerce and achieve success

grow ecommerce

In the competitive world of marketing Companies must face multiple challenges to become business leaders, this can be achieved using the indicated strategies that help our business to develop properly and excel.

Online marketers are well aware of how difficult it is to handle the huge sales traffic in today's e-commerce space and to help this SEMrush company was in charge of carrying out a study about e-commerce which provides us with valuable information to help our companies grow.

Optimize for mobile and maintain a strong presence on computers:

The data obtained by this research reveals that customers prefer to obtain detailed product information on their computers. Since a change is currently being made to use the mobile as the main source of information, it is important to anticipate and optimize the presence on mobile phones, but taking into account the main source, which is the computer.

Improve SEO:

Search Engine Optimization has proven to be one of the leading tools in marketing in the past year and will continue to be. This means that if you do not maintain a strong presence in the SEO strategy, your e-commerce may begin to lose itself among the competition, lowering sales and clicks.

Use emotions as the main weapon in your Ads:

Marketing has a lot to do with consumer psychology and here are some of the phrases that can help attract the attention of customers, based on statistics: Phrases like "free shipping" and "free delivery" are the most used for attracting attention in e-commerce, but the most influential for the customer turned out to be "price guaranteed" followed by "money back guaranteed" and "satisfaction guaranteed".

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