When setting up your online business, that is, your ecommerce or virtual store, the first thing you need after doing it (choosing the products, designing the website ...) is for it to start working. And that is achieved with a promotion strategy.
Sometimes the success or failure of a business lies in this "simple" thing. But it is what sets the objectives that you want to achieve; and the path by which you are going to achieve them. Therefore, today we have proposed to give you a series of tips for a good ecommerce promotion strategy. Do you dare to follow them?
A business, a promotion strategy
Sure you have read a lot about strategies, tactics, tips ... And yes, they can work. But each of them must be adapted to the business. You must bear in mind that all the advice is "basic and general", that is, They are used for all ecommerce, but at a minimum level. Obtain higher profits, or results, will be if you adapt it one hundred percent to your business.
We give you an example. Imagine a pet accessories store. One of the tips that we will give you below for an ecommerce promotion strategy is that you use social networks. But that does not mean that you only dedicate yourself to put the products and say: "Buy, buy, buy." People are tired of those things. On the other hand, if you think about how to reach people who have pets, perhaps with storytelling, sharing articles of interest, and even with images that attract attention, things change. And the result is greater than expected.
Now that you know, here are those tips that you expect "like May water."
Bet on storytelling in the promotion and everything else
Storytelling is an ideal technique now, because it is a trend on the Internet. It is about creating texts with emotions, and that is not easy to do (it is as if you have a writer and an editor at the same time. And no, it is not the same to have only one). And what is told in the text? A story where your product is related to a scene.
For example, imagine a cool t-shirt. You can say that it is very good, that it has such sizes, that it is cheap ... But, what if you put that it is the perfect shirt for a bonfire night with your friends? Or that it is so perfect that the other day when you were with your friends, a friend appeared who was wearing the same shirt as you, but in a different size; and then, another, and another ... and that seemed like a secret shirt club?
You must seek the connection with the potential customer, because that is how they will imagine themselves with that product, using it. And you will want to have it.
Discounts and coupons
When promoting a website, discounts and coupons can be a good option. But you must bear in mind that this cannot be "usual" in your ecommerce because then many customers will wait for these offers before buying.
Now yeah they are a good attraction for many as it helps to buy cheaper, and that is always effective. Discounts and coupons can be on an amount or on a percentage discount.
Say yes to social media for promotion
Social media is a great promotional channel. As long as you know how to use them well, of course. One of the trends of many ecommerce is to use all possible networks. And yes, they are fine, but that does not mean, if you do not reach all of them, that you have to do them by force, because the only thing you will achieve is that they see some more abandoned (and that is not what we should have).
You need analyze your business and think in which social networks it would be better to be. Considering there are so many, just going for 2-3 is more than enough. You must establish different strategies for each of them, and that takes time and effort.
And how to promote? Well, it depends on the network. For example, on Instagram you can think of placing high quality images where your products are visible (directly or indirectly), with short but impactful texts.
Fidelazation program
It is used on the Internet, and many stores have it launched. It is based on the fact that each purchase generates a series of points that you can redeem when you reach a certain amount for x money off the purchase.
However, the truth is that it could be used much better as a promotional strategy for an online store, for example by raising those points, or giving a gift for «belonging to a vip club». Everything you can do to make the customer feel important will have a positive impact on your business.
Free promotional samples
You're promoting in your ecommerce, right? And this sells a number of products. But, could not you put a special pack of samples? When someone orders you, you can include free samples of other products you have. That will help the person to feel important, because you have sent him something more than what he asked for. But it goes further. Are you giving the opportunity to try something that, maybe, you don't buy because you don't know if you like it. What if it turns out that you love it? Rest assured that he will buy more.
That's where the samples are varied comes in to ensure that your products have a chance to be known.
Push notifications, emails ...
Finally, we are going to talk to you about these two promotional elements. Emails are widely used by many stores that send an email every day with their offers, discounts and more. But be careful, because people may consider that you go overboard and in the end you end up in the spam folder (or without a subscriber because you have filled their patience).
Bet on sending emails smoother, once a week, or every two weeks. Yes, we know it is a way of reaching customers, but you do it, as they say, "cold door," and you will find yourself more often with the unpleasant "I unsubscribe" response.
In the case of push notifications, these are given on the tablet and smartphone. And they are increasingly used by ecommerce (to advertise their offers or attract attention so that customers do not forget) as well as the blogs themselves, the media, etc.
But it's good? We talk about get directly into people's mobiles, And not everyone can do that well. In fact, when too many notifications are made, the person ends up deleting himself because he does not want to be disturbed; it is he who decides when to read things, not his "mobile".