Yesterday we talked about how improve user experience to increase the sales of a eCommerce Continuing with this line of advice so that retailers can generate more sales in its online stores, today we are going to focus on other aspects.
And it is that with the beginning of the year new challenges come, and generate more income through a site of E-commerce it's a great goal for any retailer. In this article we will focus on the growth opportunities of an eCommerce both in customer acquisition and in the customer experience.
6 tips to sell more in an eCommerce in 2015
# 1 - Offer different delivery options to the customer
The delivery of the product is a point of vital importance for the customer. There are needs of all kinds, and it is not valid for everyone to wait several days or have to be in a certain place waiting for the package. Therefore, the following is recommended:
- Offer the same day of delivery. Many customers are willing to pay more for shipping costs if it reaches them urgently.
- Offer collection points. The collection points are places (usually establishments) where the customer picks up their purchase. The advantage is that shipping costs can be saved and the customer has a long time to pick up their order.
- Offer store pickup. This helps stimulate local e-commerce, as the customer buys online when they can and does not risk the product being unavailable when they can pick it up. Plus, you don't have to pay shipping costs, which makes the local store more competitive.
# 2 - win back customers
Many times, customers visit an eCommerce and add products to the cart. For various reasons, many register and do not complete the purchase. The reason in this case does not matter. Using a system that preserves this information will allow us to do some very interesting marketing tasks, such as the following:
- Send emails indicating an abandoned purchase. Inviting the customer to checkout can help you make up your mind and even save you the time of searching for those products again. This can be done automatically from some eCommerce systems.
- Send offers related to the products purchased or visited. The large number of online stores and marketplaces make it really difficult for the customer to remember where he saw what he was looking for and to find products of interest to him. Using the collected data to send offers is a good way to increase sales.
Remember that these points must be included in the privacy policy, and that the client must be informed when they register that they will receive this type of information.
# 3 - Be more sophisticated in online advertising
In addition to optimizing online advertising and sponsored links, you also have to have a powerful weapon: affiliate programs. Many bloggers and webmasters monetize their websites and blogs in this way. You get a great diffusion and you only pay for results. Offering free products to these network professionals to talk about on their sites and in their vlogs is becoming very common, as is offering free products for them to raffle on their sites.
# 4 - Pay more attention to online advertising campaigns on the search network
The Google search network offers the ability for online store advertising to appear on a large number of sites. That is why it is important to filter campaigns well and make ads that predispose the customer. In addition, you have to optimize the campaign to obtain lower price clicks and thus get more for less.
In addition, Google offers the possibility to directly advertise products in its ads, in which the price is also displayed. This offers retailers great chances of success in their Internet advertising campaigns.
# 5 - Invest in improving organic SEO
Improving organic SEO on product pages is vital to position yourself and give the customer a better image. The product pages, and even the category pages, should offer concrete and precise information, as well as useful, so that the client enters and finds what they are looking for. What is it that interests the client? The price? The discount? The offer?
# 6 - Take care of the performance of the online store
The speed of a website is a key factor in the user experience and also a factor in the conversion rate. Implementing the necessary improvements is a worthwhile investment so that customers feel comfortable and so that speed does not detract from a bad image of the site and the company.
Design matters, and improve the user experience. But optimizing costs and investing in technology so that an online store does the least technical work possible is also important.