El E-commerce It's exploding, and that means companies that can't afford a real store are suddenly selling their products online, not just to customers in their own neighborhoods, but to half the world.
Here's your list of problems that every business you're thinking about online sales should pay attention.
Flexible pricing
The more you sell your products, the more market prices you have to take into account and, if you can, you can make changes accordingly.
Currency exchanges are confusing
Even though it's easier than ever convert currenciesSeeing an unknown currency on an e-commerce site is confusing for many people and can lead to online shopping cart abandonment. To decrease e-commerce friction and shopping cart abandonment, set prices in each relevant local currency.
Presentation of prices
Rounding numbers can make a psychological difference for consumers, believe it or not. Exchange rates can turn friendly price figures into awkward-looking, rounded numbers.
Your customers should see product prices in clean, round numbers to further simplify the purchasing decision-making process.
Local payments
Ask your online customers Paying in a way they are not used to can make them suspicious and create friction when buying, which will reduce your income. You can make them feel at home by working with what they know.
Displaying sales taxes in a way that your online customers are familiar with will avoid suspicion and increase buyer comfort. There are also legal points, as some countries have different tax disclosure requirements.