The logo of an online store It is an important aspect of the brand that many do not take into account or do not give it the attention it requires. The truth is that when buyers visit your site, you are selling your brand, not just the products. When creating a logo for Ecommerce, You should not forget that this element plays a very important role in buyers.
Tips when designing a logo for Ecommerce
If you are thinking customize your ecommerce store to stand out from your competitors, branding is definitely an absolute must. And there is no better place to start than with the design of a logo, which will also serve as the face or image of your company.
The logo must represent your Ecommerce
The logo is a representation of both the values and the ideals of your businessTherefore, you should take this opportunity to make an Ecommerce logo that is the reflection of everything that your online store represents. Remember that your logo does not have to reflect the products or services you offer, it should be more of a product identifier, so make sure that your design is suitable for your target audience.
Your Ecommerce logo must be memorable
Keep in mind that logos allow us to recognize brands without having to read words. Therefore, the logo design for your online store must be memorable enough so that it remains in the memory of consumers, even when they have already left your site.
Your logo should be simple
If you opt for a complex logo, which has many elements, consumers are less likely to treat it as memorable. In addition, these types of complex logos are difficult to remember and do not display correctly when scaled to smaller sizes.
Your logo must be versatile and durable
Your Ecommerce logo must be effective in a wide variety of media and applications, that can be scaled to any size and looks good in both landscape and portrait formats. It must also be a logo designed to last for a long time, since what is always sought is to have a successful Ecommerce for many years.