More and more electronic businesses are opening on the Internet and selling products. However, despite the fact that there is more and more eCommerce, the truth is that only a few stand out, those who have seen the importance and the advantages of branding. The details when shipping the products from companies such as in personalized packaging, user experience, etc… All of this is the key to making customers feel loved.
But why is branding so important? How can you improve in eCommerce? We will talk to you about all this below.
What is branding
The word branding comes from English, and it is a term that is used in marketing. What is it for? Well it focuses on build a solid brand by doing a series of strategies to attract, retain and keep customers for that brand.
Of course, this is a long process, which is not only based on attracting customers to buy from you, but also on making the brand (or in this case the eCommerce) recognized, identified and that it makes its values see in everything. make. Whether on a website, event, when buying a product, in the follow-up, etc.
In other words, we tell you about the possibility of a brand, company or product to differentiate itself, something that is increasingly difficult because it seems that everything is invented. However, that differentiation can come in what is the value, uniqueness of the brand, credibility or in the user experience that is given to a client.
For example, imagine you have a video game eCommerce. A customer has come to your page and has put a video game in their cart. However, he has not completed the purchase and, after a few hours, that customer receives an email asking him why he orphaned that video game, with the "hopes and illusions" that he had put to arrive at a house to make the user enjoy maximum to the family. At the very least, that email will attract attention and if you catch their attention, they can buy it.
But if in addition to buying it, you pack it in a personalized way (beyond the typical box or brown envelope) and offer a differentiating detail of your eCommerce, the next time you want to buy a video game, the first option where it will look will be in your store , even though you can be a little more expensive than in others.
Why? Well, because branding offers you give your brand personality and make customers differentiate you and they prefer you for what you give them that others don't.
How to improve branding in an eCommerce
Until recently it was thought that branding was only a matter for companies, or a personal brand. But that in an eCommerce this did not have much relation. Big mistake.
As we have seen before, differentiation is that value that must be enhanced to get customers to choose to buy from your online store versus the competition. And, for this, what you can do is the following:
One of the First impressions that an eCommerce customer is going to have has to do with the packaging where you send the product you bought.
That is, your website is a first impression, but the one that really counts is that physical, the moment you receive the package.
And now we ask you, what would you like more, a brown box sealed with white tape and your details? Or a green box with blue polka dots and a red name tag, plus a yellow bow on the box? Yes, the second one would be much more striking, and although the colors do not stick even with paint, you will remember that packaging.
More if you open it from the inside and suddenly the product you have bought, no matter how simple it may seem, arrives wrapped or with a detail.
Just the time you have invested in it will make the customer feel important, because you have been interested in personalizing the product and recognizing your brand even when it is not online visiting the web. You haven't just put it in the box and that's it.
Although we have told you before that the web is not that important, the truth is that it is. An ugly website is not going to make customers buy from you, only those who know you will, but the new ones will feel more doomed to your competition than to you.
Therefore, take care of the structure of the web, not only graphically but also for positioning, it is as or more important than other topics.
User Experience
Your eCommerce is of no use to you if you don't have customers. And to get them, you can't wait to publish the page and for them to reach you. It is necessary to make a strategy to attract them, either through positioning, social networks, paying for advertising, etc.
Now, once you have that client, why don't you worry about him? From what their tastes are to offer related products, to how the shopping experience has been and if they would recommend you to other people.
All this makes that person participate in the online store itself, a kind of "ambassador" but the truth is that what you get is that they feel appreciated as a customer, something that, in many other electronic businesses, may not be more than a number . And the human being tends to repeat where he feels loved.
Analyze and solve
Strategies, and branding in general, is not always something fixed. It may be that the options that arise are not the correct ones and it is necessary to change. This is common until you find the customers you are looking for, and the actions take effect.
That is to say, It is necessary to be in constant change until the branding works and, above all, that it reaches those customers. Once you get it, you no longer have to keep changing, but strengthening it.
In short, branding is a strategy that is increasingly fashionable and that not only companies have realized its potential, but also eCommerce themselves are doing it and it may be the key that you need to be able to differentiate yourself from your competition and take off in your business. You have doubts? Ask us.