ID: 1320121
E-commerce had its boom times a few years ago, it was and to date is a very useful invention for all those who want to purchase products from the comfort of their home, and to date both e-commerce and companies that are dedicated to they have been growing remarkably over the years. We can confirm this with the outstanding news from companies dedicated to e-commerce, which other companies acquire for ridiculously high amounts. And e-commerce in Europe has grown very notably, especially this year.
Last year, the e-commerce in Europe it was worth 530 billion euros, which was up 15 percent from the year before that. This year, online industries are expected to grow 14 percent more, reaching the amount of 602 billion euros. This was a discovery of "European Ecommerce Report 2017", which was presented by "Ecommerce Europe, EuroCommerce and the Ecommerce Foundation". The reports showed a wealth of "ecommerce trends" and also a glimpse of each of the European ecommerce markets.
The percentages of people who buy online is too high. For example 87 percent of consumers in Great Britain order products online, while in Denmark and Germany the percentages are 84 and 82 percent respectively. And finally, in countries like Macedonia, Bulgaria and Romania, consumers are very few. But e-commerce is growing little by little in central and eastern Europe, in Romania online sales grew by 38 percent, while in the Slovak and Estonian markets it grew by 35 percent. Ukraine had 31 percent growth, Poland and Bulgaria had 25 percent growth last year.