The evolution of Ecommerce over the years

The evolution of ecommerce

When the Internet was just beginning to grow in popularity, people did not trust the buy online Fear of scammers, identity theft and financial information theft. In the current era, the trend has been changing and it is a fact that now there are many more people Purchase online than there was a few years ago. While is true that identity and information theft remain major concernshave Ecommerce evolution has made online shopping a widely accepted practice for most consumers.

By general consensus, the electronic commerce or Ecommerce, As it is also known, it emerged in 1979, when British inventor and businessman Michael Aldrich discovered how to connect a computer for real-time order processing to a specially modified television using a telephone line. By 1982, in France the pre-internet service called Minitel was deployed, with which people could check stock prices, make road reservations, do online banking, among other things.

But it wasn't until 1994 that the first online sale was registered as such and it was not a book or airline tickets, but a a pepperoni pizza. In that year the Netscape Navigator browser appeared and the Pizza Hut website began to offer online orders, in addition to the same year when the first online bank appeared. Four years later PayPal appears and for 2002, eBay acquires this payment platform for 1.5 billion dollars.

In 2003, Amazon records its first annual profit In eight years of activity, while for 2012, Ecommerce sales in the United States alone reached a total of 225.5 billion dollars, which represents an increase of almost 16% compared to 2011.

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