Elderly consumers in Spain, with an age range of 50 years and older, they were usually reluctant to use the Internet or to shop online. This trend has changed little by little and today it is known that Seniors in Spain are buying more and more online.
Of course it should be noted that Spain has experienced a complicated economic crisis situation that decreased the purchasing power of consumers, not to mention business activity. But all this is beginning to change as clear signs of recovery appear, such as increased employment, better GDP and growing optimism among consumers.
Precisely consumers in Spain are starting to spend more And one of the ways they do it is through e-commerce. But it is the older people who are taking advantage of digital options and who were previously unwilling to shop online.
To put all this in context just say that one in three elderly people in Spain is buying consumer electronics online. Not only that, two in five seniors made leisure and travel purchases online, while one in five adults is also shopping for clothing and accessories online.
It has also been known that food is the only category where brick-and-mortar stores attract the most seniors. It is also interesting to mention that the elderly in Spain are more open to online innovations.
Therefore, for e-commerce companies in Spain, it is a good idea to focus on a marketing campaign towards older consumers. Especially when 58% of older adults take into account brand ads.
And although as has been said on other occasions, Ecommerce in Spain still does not reach the high levels of other countriesIt is certainly a positive thing to know that more and more people are interested in online shopping.