The ecommerce bible

So that you can understand it in a simple way if you have just arrived in this virtual world with your company, ecommerce is the transaction between two or more parties through the internet.

Having an online store allows you to be open every day of the year without interruption, 365 days a week, 24 hours a day, which will make our sales increase up to 50% a month, or more.

Although this last part depends a lot on the type of service you sell, since not all services can be implemented on the internet with such success. An example of this are the online clothing stores, normally have a lot of success but they do not surpass the stores of technological products, which are the queens of internet sales.

When entering your page, everything must be placed in a simple way and sales easily accessible. Do not waste time decorating your page or putting a thousand tabs to make it look better, since the only thing your customers want is to buy your product and leave, however, if you complicate the whole process, it is unlikely that they will want to enter. The key to a successful ecommerceor there are few tabs and a simple form, but a large number of products.

All products from your virtual store They must be designed with real photos and a small description of what they are going to buy. Do not put manufacturer descriptions, since this is what most ecomerces tend to do and you will only have duplication on your page.
The importance of social networks. Nowadays, all ecomerce stores must have their page on social networks in order to be able to make themselves known a little. Not having social networks for your store, it is like opening a store in the North Pole, it is unlikely that people will see our products.

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