Perhaps many of you who are reading are not familiar with the meaning of a startup. A startup is a company that is based on technology, or that has innovative methods of lead a company to success, whether you turn to modern marketing methods, as are the apps on smartphones and commercials on the internet or on pages visited worldwide. Next we will announce which are the best startups in world trade right now.
This application for phones aims to sell and buy second-hand items, having the support of prominent companies such as Accel Partners. The idea of selling and buying second-hand items helped make this app one of the most downloaded internationally.
The worldwide company dedicated to selling your own sunglasses It is one of the most acclaimed in the market and in the financial world, expanding to the United States, Australia, China, Mexico, among others. This starup has sold more than 500,000 units in its first year on the market and is expected to exceed its sales this year.
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This company is dedicated to the manufacture and study of Artificial Intelligence, and to 'recruiting'. Its algorithms are capable of investigating and analyzing thousands and thousands of softwares to identify candidates, based on their technological profiles for a specific company.
This application developed for smartphones have the function of making payments to other people within your same territory, this application is only available in Spain at the moment, but it is predicted that it will make its first appearance in the United States very soon. This application raised a little more than 8,3 million euros, for which it has been very well received by all its users and they are expected to have an excellent year.