The best categories for Ecommerce during 2016

categories for Ecommerce

According to some reports, this year and only in the United States, e-commerce sales will exceed 550 billion dollars. The important question is what will be the best categories for Ecommerce during 2016? Then share some of the best niches for Ecommerce this 2016.


In the recent years retailers selling clothing and accessories for sports they have increased their sales, so the trend is expected to continue for this year. Sportswear will continue to drive sales, so business opportunities abound in this segment.

Baby products

The baby products en route generated more than 44 billion sales in 2015 in the United States. Analysts now mention that this will be one of the best categories for Ecommerce during 2016.

Educational products

This is also a very important segment for the E-commerce and it is expected that this year there will be sales of 50 billion dollars. Educational products are all about professional development and skills training and since they are digital products, the return on investment once the content is created is unbeatable.

Furniture and home decor

This is another of the best categories for ecommerce which will offer great profits in 2016. The sale of furniture and decorative items for the home will have a great acceptance, mainly because buyers are buying more and more through the Internet.

Other categories that will also be trend for Ecommerce during 2016 and that could generate large profits, include handicrafts and handmade products, special foods such as organized or vegetarian food, as well as travel reservations and related products.

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      mkcheck said

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    Greetings and thanks for the information.