Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress

Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress

If you are one of those who usually buy online and always look for the deals or products that are cheaper (or that give the best) you surely know AliExpress. In it you can find a multitude of products. But there are so many that it is sometimes difficult to locate them. That's why many use Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress.

And with these, you can have some groups closer at hand that will help you find that product you are looking for. Now, which are the best right now on Telegram? And what do they offer you? All this is what we want to talk to you about below.

Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress, what advantages do they offer?

Online shopping channel

Before giving you names of Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress, If you have never thought about it before, you may not know what advantages these offer and why you should join more groups (even if you are more aware of your cell phone).

Some of those reasons why you should know those channels are the following:

You can find out about great deals

For example, imagine you want the latest model phone. Normally on AliExpress they usually come at cheaper prices than in stores. But if You also get it at a more affordable price and with advantages, better than less, don't you think?

And who says mobile phones means another series of products that you can find on AliExpress such as jewelry, health or grooming products, etc.

You have a community

Electronic purchase

And that means that, if at any time you have doubts about buying, or are looking for a specific item, you could ask the question and they will answer you, either with offers, bargains or guiding you about what you have to do.

For example, One of the common practices on AliExpress is that sellers ask you to cancel the product you have purchased; or they haggle later because they made a mistake with the prices. Be that as it may, those doubts about how to act could be resolved through those Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress.

You will have help to detect fraud, scams or deception

Everything you wouldn't want to face, of course. But in this case it is important that you take it into account. By having a Telegram channel, if you find something too good you can always consult. And normally the deals they advertise on those channels are usually of quality because they test them themselves before launching them. Or they let you know if there is a problem with it.

The best Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress

Channel to find out about offers

Now that the reasons why you should join Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress are clearer to you, it's time for you to know which are the best ones you can currently find. Please note that these channels can sometimes disappear, So our recommendation is that you join at least two (although the best would be several more to have all the possible bargains that appear on AliExpress covered).

We tell you about some of them.

Luxury Spain

As you can see, this channel does not usually have any reference to AliExpress or bargains, but in reality, it is related to it. And it is that You will find very high quality replicas in terms of jewelry, clothing, glasses, shoes, watches... Everything you can imagine in luxury, and that is sold on AliExpress, you can find it more economically here.

Of course, they have a peculiar way of buying, because what they do is send a hidden link and by clicking you will see that you buy "something else." But in reality what you receive is what you see on their Telegram channel. Do the test.

Update: as far as we have checked, the channel has been deleted so, for now, they have not opened a new one (or we are not aware of it).

AliExpress Deals

Another of the Telegram channels to buy from the Chinese store is this one. What it will do is announce deals that they find on AliExpress, but be careful, because they are limited offers and usually last a short time, so you have to be quick to buy it if you are interested.

Bargain Channel

This channel is one of the longest and most active channels on Telegram right now. Like the previous one, they will offer you deals that you can find on AliExpress, but Sometimes you will also find other stores, such as Amazon.

It is quite varied in terms of offers, whether with technology, clothing, food, household products, entertainment...


If you want a Telegram channel focused on AliExpress and other Chinese stores (like Rosegal), then this is one you should keep an eye on. Although it is quite well known, compared to the previous ones there are few subscribers to it. But it will be worth it because the offers they give you are very succulent (and cheap).


As its name suggests, for AliExpress addicts this channel is one of the best. First, because you will have offers and bargains found in Chinese stores, especially related to home, beauty or fashion products.

And, second, because they often also get discount coupons with which to get an even cheaper price than the one you already have.

AliExpress Deals

This is another channel that you can keep an eye on. In it, and by categories, they offer you various offers from the Chinese store, not only the best known, but also bargains that are found.

But In addition to that, you will also find here special coupons, discounts, etc.. The goal is to keep the community as active as possible and, if possible, for them to benefit from buying as cheaply as possible.


If on Aliexpress what you buy most are technology products, or it is what you want to keep the most under control, then here we have a channel specialized in this category.

All the offers that you will find here are related to technology, whether with hardware products such as computers, mobile phones, tablets..., as well as accessories such as chargers, headphones, etc.

Of course, there are many more Telegram channels to buy on AliExpress, so if you know of any and want to make them known, leave it in the comments so that others can join.

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