Technological risks in e-commerce

Technological risks in e-commerce

Technological risks These are situations that can put the integrity of the company at risk and that are related to the software that supports us to carry out the sales processes.

Some technological risks they can be minimal and only cause some annoyance or low productivity, such as the fact that the software used to find zip codes is broken and we have to search for them manually.

But other risks can cause a big financial impact How is it that the software that is in charge of integrating the database of our sales breaks down and shows our most popular product with a price of 1.99 euros, instead of 199, causing a disproportionate increase in product orders and affecting very significantly our finances.

Next, we will describe some steps to take to minimize technological risks in your e-commerce:

  1. Identify the risks: Making an extensive list of everything that could go wrong in the store can be very productive, so that the full range of risks and their magnitude are identified, both financially and in marketing.
  2. Assess the risks: Once the risks have been identified, it is important to assess the magnitude of each one of them based on four criteria: 1) The probability of it happening, 2) who or what it would impact, 3) how much damage it can cause and 4) the possibility that employees can fix the problem.
  3. Finding solutions: Since the list of the most important risks has been made, it is necessary to focus on how to fix, prevent or reduce their impact. Depending on the risks, it is likely that changes can be made to the software, administrative changes, processes or all of the above.

It is inevitable to have technological risks in companies, but by taking actions to identify and prevent them, it is very likely that we will reduce the occurrence of these by implementing strategies to reduce their impact on our business.

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