Buy online It has many advantages, however there is something that many buyers do not know or do not take into account: taxes and charges of Customs when buying online. You should know that when a product is sent abroad, said product is subject to the regulations of the recipient country.
Why is it important to know the Customs charges?
Depending on the content as well as the intended use of the package, customs officials may add additional taxes and charges for handling the merchandise. Although when buying an item in an Ecommerce, we are told that the shipping is free, this does not include the possible Customs charges that are different in each country.
After buying online, the product is sent to its destination, however it must be taken into account that the amount of taxes will be defined by a combination of factors including among other things:
- The price of the product
- Shipping costs
- Trade agreements
- Product use
- Amortized system code (HS-Code)
The importance of knowing the Customs taxes and charges when purchasing online, lies in the fact that if these charges are applied to the product, the customer, when he receives his item at home, must pay the amount determined in order to obtain his product. Therefore, the main recommendation is that before buying anything in an online store, access the questions and answers section (FAQ & Support) and look for the topic related to Customs taxes.
Although it is true that these import taxes must be borne by the customer, buyers are often not aware of them, so it is essential to ensure that these hidden costs do not end up increasing the price of the product. Remember also that Most Ecommerce companies are not responsible for Customs charges for products.