Study predicts that Amazon will take half of e-commerce Christmas purchases

Study predicts that Amazon will take half of e-commerce Christmas purchases

It seems that Amazon is about to break sales records this holiday season, and members of the Prime service can be thanked. The e-commerce giant America is on track to actually receive almost half of the Christmas sales made this year; a huge part of the cake taking into account the growth that e-commerce has had of 20% increase in each Christmas season.

The list of members of the Amazon Prime service has seen an increase of about 40% each year, and it is also expected that 20-25% more will be spent on these Christmas purchases compared to last year. Prime members are considered the golden jewel of the Amazon empire, with an estimated 85 million registered members currently, and their spending on purchases is increasing more and more.

The member base that Amazon has built thanks to its Prime service are those who can be attributed the great sales success they have had during this Cyber ​​Monday and soon in these year-end sales, in addition to the advantages offered by Amazon, the competitive prices it offers in comparison to other stores such as Walmart and the wide variety of items present in the online store.

Members of the Prime service contributed so much to the cyber monday sales that this event has become the day with the highest sales of the whole year, surpassing the Prime Day sales day of this summer.

Customers have ordered billions of products since Amazon this Cyber ​​Monday, and orders from the Amazon Mobile App are increasing more than 50% year on year.

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