Strategies to enter e-commerce

Strategies to enter e-commerce

Start a online business It can become a path full of difficulties if at first we do not know the correct strategies necessary to position ourselves in our market. While the basic principle of electronic commerce It is the same as that of traditional commerce, there are certain differences that become very marked, especially in the era in which the main means of communication of people are the social networks.

We can start by advertising our business. In the past it was necessary to acquire the service of television stations, radio stations or printed publications to make ourselves known to our clients. Market segmentation it was rarely used and our target market was not guaranteed to see our ad. Today there are tools like Google AdWords or Facebook Ads that allow us to launch simultaneous campaigns at a much more accessible cost, while showing our ads to those people who meet the necessary profile to enter our target market.

We know that a suitable image or video may go viral. Many times by accident, but many times, this viralization is part of a digital marketing strategy in which word of mouth advertising is combined with social networks. We can use these strategies to make ourselves known to the world and position our brand in the potential market.

As in traditional commerce, it is just as important that we have statistics and data about our clients. This will allow us to know more about the objective clientele of each product, the value they give it and what motivates them to buy. The e-commerce advantage is that we have tools at a very low price such as KissMetrics, Woopra or Google Analytics, that allow us to make a correct and effective segmentation of our clients' data in order to know them more thoroughly.

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      Andrés said

    Hello greetings!
    How to persist or stay in e-commerce, if there are failures?